Love... Part 5

Aug 07, 2006 11:23

Title: The Power of Love (is a curious thing)
Series Title: Love …
Author: Jayneswoman
Rating: PG13
Fandom: Firefly
Word Count: 1159
Summary: Jayne and River and Maggie Love Traingle (Het)
Warning: Full of Jayne goodness. Beware if you don’t enjoy non-canon pairings.
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!

Authors Note: Thanks to
bookaddict43 for betaing.

troy_gal - Thanks for the plot bunny This fanfics for you!

*Sorry it took so long. My internet access was fried by a lightning storm, but now I'm back on the net... Yay!*

Find previous parts here: 1) Love at First Sight
2) Love to Get to Know You
3) Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places
4) Stop in the Name of Love (before you Break my Heart)


The Power of Love (is a curious thing, makes one man weep, makes another man sing)

The men were waiting in the cargo bay for their women to come down.

“Don’t know what it is makes women take so long ta get ready,” complained Mal.

“I don’t mind, when ma wife comes down lookin’ like that!” Wash grinned. “Did I ever tell ya how much I like ya in a slinky dress?”

“Just who do you think you’re married to?” Zoe laughed. “That’s why I borrowed this dress from Maggie.”

Wash spun Zoe round and pulled her into a tender kiss.

Simon gasped as Kaylee came into sight in her pink ball dress. He couldn’t believe how graceful and sexy she looked. She turned around, her skirt swishing around her legs, showing off how the dress would look when they were dancing together. When she came to the bottom of the stairs, he held her by the waist and whispered in her ear, “You’re so hua li.”

Everyone was amazed when River hesitantly descended in her slinky silver dress. Jayne held out his hand to guide her down the last few steps saying, “Ya look real grown up in that dress, River.”

She blushed at the compliment, but wished he had said she was pretty.

Inara came down, looking as immaculate as always in the beautiful plum kimono she had altered herself. As she accepted the usual compliments from the crew Mal was astounded when Tom offered his arm as she reached the floor.

Maggie was the last to come down in her beautiful red dress of embroidered silk. She looked exquisite, and no one on Serenity’s crew could believe that her fiancé was doing her the dishonour of ignoring her by leading Inara out to the ball. Maggie’s eyes filled with tears as she watched her fiancé, so absorbed in another woman that he didn’t even notice her.

Mal stepped forward and tucked Maggie’s hand under his arm, following Tom and Inara out into Osiris City. He was going to have to talk with Tom about this later.

Simon led Kaylee and Wash led Zoe, leaving River to be escorted by Jayne.

“Ya look real xiu li tonight,” Jayne told River. She smiled as he tucked her hand under his arm and walked her out. Maybe he would pay attention to her at the ball after all.

Shepherd Book followed behind, a little uncomfortable to be attending such an occasion, since he was a shepherd of an order sworn to celibacy. He went, however, to celebrate the upcoming nuptials between Tom and Maggie. But after Tom’s behaviour and Maggie’s reaction to it, he very much doubted that the marriage would go ahead.


Book stood back and watched the interactions between the crew, only occasionally having to distract eager older ladies from asking him to dance.

Zoe and Wash were enjoying the dancing, and a chance to impress each other with how well they could look all dressed up and out on the town.

Simon and Kaylee were totally absorbed in each other and the new relationship they were exploring together.

River was surrounded by a bevy of eager young men vying for her hand in the next dance. She was shining with the attention, but kept looking over at Jayne He was standing at the back, occasionally glancing her way, but mainly watching Maggie.

Book sighed. He was concerned about River’s crush on Jayne and certainly wasn’t just going to ignore it. Jayne was so much older than her, and was not used to romancing a headstrong young core girl like River, no matter how much the Alliance had broken her mind.

Book had talked to Jayne about how any romantic relationship with River was inappropriate, and about the special hell that men who played with impressionable young girl’s hearts would go to. There was honour even among thieves, Book believed.

This seemed to have made Jayne back off, and Book was glad that Maggie had caught Jayne’s eye. He had given Jayne the best advice he could about how to let River down as gently as possible. The girl was deeply unhappy at this new relationship unfolding, but he hoped she would learn to move on.

Maggie was unhappy as well, but at her fiancé’s behaviour. It was deplorable, nigh on unforgivable, to deliberately pursue another woman in front of his fiancée, ignoring her completely. Tom must be either blind or a fool, or both.

Book watched as Maggie dabbed her eyes with her handkerchief.

Jayne had been watching Tom flirt with Inara all evening, leaving Maggie totally on her own. He became more and more angry the longer Tom left her alone. When the band began to play a waltz, he strode over to Maggie.

Book was amazed as he watched Jayne go over and ask Maggie to dance. Who knew that Jayne Cobb could dance?

“Mizz Maggie, would like to dance?” he asked.

Maggie smiled and pulled herself together, “Why Mr Cobb, I would love to.”

“Call me Jayne.”

She looked him straight in the eye, “I’d love to dance with you, Jayne.”

Jayne’s heart swelled as he saw her take control of her emotions and rise to the challenge of letting her fiancé see that she could get on very well without him. Jayne’s family was full of strong women, and there was nothing he hated more than a woman who let circumstances get the better of them. Anyone who could rise above their situation and make the best of the short end of the stick, well, they were worth admiring. And he certainly admired Maggie. Couldn’t see what Tom was thinking, admiring a biao zi like Inara before his own fiancée.

Maggie was amazed as Jayne took control of the dance, spinning her round and round like the very best ballroom dancers in the Core. She held on tight as she began to feel dizzy.

Jayne had one hand on the small of her back; the other held her right hand firmly. His Mama always said the Waltz was his best dance. This was one of the few times he thanked his Ma for teaching him to dance. He always surprised the ladies when he asked them to dance. Even fancy core women like Maggie. And the way the waltz spun them round always made them hold on tight. Yes, the waltz was certainly his very favourite dance.

The music stopped, and he held her steady as she began to find her feet. Suddenly she went pale, but Jayne was watching her closely, and as she fainted he caught her and held her in his strong arms.

Shepherd Book quickly brought the Doctor over. Simon took one look at the medical bracelet she wore, and told Jayne, “Take her straight back to the infirmary. I need to do a blood test and treat her.”

Jayne bent down to pick her up and carry her, with her head in the crook of his neck, all the way back to Serenity.


To be continued...

Next Chapter: Love is a Battlefield

firefly, river, love, oc, maggie, angst, jayne

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