Jan 13, 2010 14:58
Remember how Ehh has hurted me and prevented me from seeing my father. Well at the first month of his death, Ehh joined facebook and on her status says "in a relationship" above that says "I finally found the ONE!!" I assumed she was referring to my father and she hasn't changed her facebook information or whatever.
3 months later ... about that.. yesterday last night I looked at her facebook to see if anything changed. She was commenting on her wall post along with telling other people "OH MY GOD!! I GOT THE RING!!" other place "OH MY GOD I'M ENGAGED!!" I was like what???.... already??? There was pictures posted of her kissing this younger guy and sitting on his lap at a bar. blah blah ..
The wave of mixed emotions came over me.
What if.. she was cheating on my dad? My dad spent alot in the hospitals doing dialysis and other tests. During that week of him being in a coma before his death I called her one time and asked her how he is doing. She said "I have no idea I'm at home right now" That really surprised me because if my husband was in the hospital I would stay with him and do everything humanly possible to be with him just in case. She was a hour and half away from where my dad was.
When I first met her, she told me about her first husband. He got in an accident and is paraylzed. I said ohhh that's sad. :( She said no. it's a good thing! He deserves it. mmmm I was surprised by her comment. It brings to wondering if she thinks my dad deserves to die?
I really really do not think she deserve any money from my father as a widow due to the fact that she might have killed him by unplugging him from the machine that was helping him breathing. the doctors haven't tested his brain or anything yet and she said she can't let him suffer any longer then unplugged him and told me as I arrived that he's gone. Something is so wrong here. I cant shake the feeling off of me.
What should I do? Who do I contact about my suspicion? I am still spooked about how my dad's death went and this is spooking me even more.
I need advice and help here please.