My Dad's Will

Mar 29, 2010 22:52

A couple of weeks ago I went to my old hometown to do some errands and picked up a copy of my dad's death certification. I also went ahead and asked for a copy of his will because I got a letter so I wanted to see what was being said.

The WILL was not a very nice one. Mind you.. my dad had nothing - money wise, car wise, etc. He left everything to his step daughter and in number 7 on that WILL he generally omit and disown, disinherited his heirs including *son's name and my name*

Thanks a lot Dad.

Get this.. This WILL was drawn up 7 days after my son's birth and according to the first paragraph of that WILL... he claims he was under no stress or is angry at people. Yeah right.. Did you know that when I gave birth and I was in the hospital for a week Oct 2nd to 8th 2008 because I had a major surgery (c-section) and I was ordered by doctors not to travel or go anywhere but bedrest for a month. Dad was going under open heart surgery for a valve issue like 2 days before my son was born. "EHH" called Rob and asked us with a urge in her voice that we need to visit my dad before he dies. I told her that I am unable to come because I had surgery and I am forbidden to travel but I will come as soon as DR says ok. She said Well..... that is very rude of you. Your father wants to see his grandson before he dies on the table" I said My dad will be fine and I will see him as soon as I get better. I even had my uncle wife who is a nurse to explain as I called her because I was concerned.

I asked my dad when I saw him if he was angry at me and he said "not at all I understand that you couldnt come. I said are you sure? He said yes I'm sure so let me see my grandson. I gave my son to him and he was thrilled.

This whole thing is confusing me and stuff. I am not surprised but surprised that this WILL was made up and I am very positive sure that dad was under duress, stress, and medication. I have been in and out of a hazy wondering what the fuck I am suppose to be feeling now about him... Is that his last words so we can't argue and straighten it out... Ugh... My dad's family (dont know if all knows but two at least) are very shocked and said "Well all of the stuff being said about your dad is obviously true and we are sorry we did not see it"

Well.. finally... someone sees it.

For the readers who reads this... do not ever EVER write up a WILL while you are angry, under duress, under stress, so on. It will really haunt people and probably your soul.

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