Nov 14, 2009 13:57
I am cleaning out my files and found this paper that I wrote about something
In order to lose weight by foods.
There is no such food style - way to lose because one needs to have everything IE: fiber, Vit. C Vit. A, etc. If I go on a no diary diet, I will lose hair due to lack of fiber. If I go on a low carb diet, I'll get sick. I've tried all for that.
According to research and studies the most effect losing weight is sleep right, eat three meals a day like cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, a good meal for dinner, and work out for 30 minutes on the bike, etc. If medicine like herbs are taken, they'll screw up your nerve system. Let's say a medicine stops producing and you have to find a new one, your body will get screwed. Now the most effect I've found is under work, I prefer to be left alone. I didn't ask for help.
That's interesting..
Some parts does not make sense to me lol. As I got older I've found new stuff and facts that certain food DO help shred some pounds or help you with your age.
Soybean- reduce the winkles
Any kinds of beans provide you protein as it is high in protein than chicken does which I found out about this from some friends who are veggies and I wanted to prove them that being a veggie is not good for them because I believe that meat is important to your body. I was like "Hmm, they should eat chicken because it is high in protein" so I typed (food with high protein intakes) I came across beans. Interesting!!
While I was pregnant, I took fish oil gels recommended by the doctor to help the unborn fetus inside me where the fish oil helps both the mother and baby's heartbeats, building nerve system for the baby, and other things. I also took regular multivitamins as well. I did some research on fish oil gel and found out that it also help you lose weight naturally with right eating and execrising. If you had a head injury or paralyzied, fish oil provides the ability to restore the damage nerves and it will take time.
I am all for fish oil gel and recommend that.
Multivitamins are alright, it makes me sleepy for some reason but provides me what I need that I am missing per week basically. I tried prenatal vitamins given by the doctors and it made my skin itch so bad. I recommend a store brand regular multivitamin.
There will be more stuff later on for me to type up. :)
Take care!