Mar 05, 2009 11:16
Last night, Stephanie found my FireRed cartridge! Now I'm up to 310 caught pokemon. We REALLY need a paper pokedex. Also, the "National" pokedex is ordered in a rediculously stupid way, and I'm sorely tempted to create an "international" pokedex with all the pokemon ordered in a reasonable way:
1. All pokemon that are evolutionally related go next to each other
2. Pokemon chains that evolve in a similar way (evolve at level X, evolve at level Y; evolve at level X, use an evolution stone; evolve at level X, evolve while levelling with a hold item; etc. etc.) go next to each other
3. Within groups of evolution chains, sort by the baby/basic evolution's type, then by the baby/basic evolution's national dex number
When you release another 50-100 pokemon in five years, REVISE the international dex rather than just tacking everything on to the end of it. When you have nearly five hundred of these buggers, they really need to be organized in some practical manner.
In other news, I've been reading too much news lately--politician trying to blur schools on Google Earth so the terrorists won't be able to find them anymore... Another one trying to ban barbie dolls (and I guess barbie imitations, too)... Rush Limbaugh trying to remain relevant by challenging Obama to a debate (run for office if you want to debate politicians, goofball)... People shocked (SHOCKED!) that Republicans and Democrats are voting along party lines...
Makes me want to crawl under the covers and play Pokemon all day.
gaming diary