Mar 03, 2009 07:21
I've begun my foot rehabilitation--with DDR! Actually, Stephie and I are trying to play 30 minutes a day to get healthier, but foot rehab is also a convenient excuse.
Also, yesterday evening Joe came over to play Street Fighter 4. After 30 minutes he was already better than me. :D My competitive sphere is totally puzzle games.
March is pretty much my favorite month of the year. First of all, it's MY month. My birthday is in March, naturally--but better yet, there are no other big holidays in the month (St. Patrick's Day comes close), making my day all that more special. Beyond that, March is the official beginning of Spring, marking that the first few warm days of the year have already occurred (in February), and the average temperature will start to be on the incline.
Twelve days!
gaming diary