FIC: Because It's Christmas - Part Four

Dec 13, 2009 08:45

Fandom: Harry Potter
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers. No copyright infringement intended.
Title: Because It's Christmas - Part Four
Author: jayfromperth
Beta: The perfect dysonrules
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2360
Status: WiP, it will all be done by Christmas, and while I can't promise daily updates, I will try.
Summary: Harry and Draco are stuck at Hogwarts for Christmas. Things, as expected, get interesting. Harry and Draco are in their 6th year. This fic is for fun!
Note: I'm sorry this one took longer to post - but it's twice as long as the last post, so does that make up for it?? I really need to thank the amazing, incredible dysonrules who used her valuable Friday evening beta-ing this chapter. She really is an LJ hero. Thanks Cheryl. This is my first attempt at something of an action scene - I hope you like it!! If you read, please let me know what you think, feedback is the best, good and bad! :-)

Draco walked into the Great Hall the next morning feeling rather chipper. Which was bizarre, given the circumstances. But overnight, he’d given some real thought to the coming two weeks and decided he’d be much better off enjoying himself, rather than moping round because he’d been teamed up with bloody green-eyed Potter. He suddenly wondered where along the way he’d noticed the colour of Potter’s eyes, and wrote it off to the fact that Potter, despite being a complete tool, did have a rather attractive face that Draco thoroughly enjoyed staring at. Of course, he had to sneer at it, but regardless, it meant he could keep looking.

Also overnight, Christmas decorations had been unleashed on the Great Hall, and he could hear Christmas carols somewhere in the background. It was wonderful - he loved Christmas and not even being stuck with the attractive Potter was going to ruin it.

Draco’s resolve was almost immediately tested when he saw the table that had seated 12 had been cut in half. It appeared the remaining 12 students were meant to sit with their team. There were three chairs on each side of the two tables. This would mean Draco would have to be near Potter. Was this a good thing or a bad thing? Draco was unsure.

Nevertheless, he held his head high and took his place at one end of the table. He greeted the other team members as they arrived, two fourth year Ravenclaws, both girls, a fifth year Hufflepuff and a first year Gryffindor. Draco was the only Slytherin staying at Hogwarts this Christmas, but he didn’t mind in the slightest. Having the common room to himself was a rarity, to be enjoyed whenever possible.

Potter was the last to join the table, sitting on the opposite side, at the opposite end to Draco - conveniently taking the farthest seat away. He smiled at everyone, and when Draco returned his smile, Potter quickly looked down, and hold on, was he blushing?
Draco wondered what that was all about. Sneers had changed into furtive glances in recent weeks, and Draco couldn’t put his finger on what had changed. Maybe it had something to do with the red-headed witch dumping the poor boy.

Rejection is always tough, thought Draco, as he reached for a pancake. Well if he can be nice to me (and by nice I mean not sneering), than I can be nice back, Draco decided. After all, it was Christmas.


Dumbledore hadn’t eaten with the students, but as they finished their breakfast, he entered the Hall and stood before them.

“Good Morning. I trust you are all well rested and ready for day one of the Christmas challenge.” Dumbledore beamed at them, bouncing around on his feet, apparently rather excited.

“Today’s task will be challenging, both mentally and physically. Each team must go down to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, where you’ll find two large Christmas trees. These trees have been specially planted for today’s challenge. Your team must cut down the tree and bring it back to the Great Hall without using magic. I repeat, you may not, personally, use magic.” Dumbledore’s eyes shone with a rather crazy joy, as if he was enjoying himself immensely already.

“The trees are large. You may use anything in or around Hogwarts, but again, no magic. You have 30 minutes to change into more appropriate clothing and then congregate in the Entrance Hall. See you shortly.” As he said this, Dumbledore thrust his hand forward, in a fist, in a gesture of happy excitement, and Draco felt rather disturbed by the old man’s pleasure.

Nevertheless, he hurried out of the Great Hall with the rest of his team, feeling rather excited at the prospect of competing against another team, and for once being on the same side as Potter.

Things are about to get interesting, he thought, smiling to himself.


Draco returned to the Entrance Hall with about thirty seconds to spare. The rest of his team was already huddled at the bottom of the staircase and Draco’s eyes immediately found Potter’s, who looked like he’d been keeping watch on the entrance to the dungeons.

Potter was dressed in Muggle jeans, with a tight but warm-looking black jumper. His hair was messy, as usual, his green eyes shining. Draco immediately thought jeans were the obvious and practical choice; he regretted his green robes.

Was he watching for me, Draco wondered? The thought was rather encouraging.
As he walked up to the group, Dumbledore again appeared.

“You are already aware of the rules. I suppose some advice may be in order. I believe thinking creatively will be of great help to you today. And above all, have fun. Ready. Set. Go!” Dumbledore theatrically stepped away from the doors leading out into the grounds, allowing the teams through. Cormac McLaggen yelled, “Let’s go team!” in a rather aggressive tone, and Draco felt his competitive edge start to stir within. He looked over at Potter, who was sporting a determined look that was rather sexy, if Draco was being honest. Thankfully, he wasn’t, and decided Potter just looked determined.

Cormac’s team had raced ahead of them and Draco could hear the 7th year calling out instructions to his team. Draco realized he probably should have thought a little bit more about how one would cut down a tree without magic, but before he could follow this train of thought further, surprise surprise, Potter took the lead.

“Ok, I’m pretty sure Hagrid has a saw out back of his hut, and I think that’s our best bet, unless anyone else has any other ideas?”

“I brought a sharp rock,” piped up the first year Gryffindor.

“Good thinking, Charlie,” said Harry encouragingly, “But I’m not sure whether that will be enough to do the job.”
Draco laughed out loud, but turned it into a cough as Harry gave him a disapproving stare.

“You guys head down to the tree. I’ll go grab the saw, and meet you there.” Harry nodded at them.

“How do we know you’re not just going to sit and have tea and cakes with the big oaf?” asked Draco, immediately thinking he sounded rather silly.

“Have you tried Hagrid’s rock cakes?” asked Harry, a grin spreading across his face. “You’re welcome to come with me if you’re afraid I’ll get distracted.”

Charlie and the other three members of their team looked between the pair, rather intrigued.

“I’ll come with you, but I can’t guarantee you won’t get distracted,” said Draco, internally smiling at his subtle innuendo.

Potter hadn’t missed it, either, blushing slightly, but quickly recovered.

“Well, come on then, we’ll meet the rest of you down there!” Harry turned and started running across the snow covered grounds. Draco had to sprint to keep up with Harry, but he tried to look casual and unfazed.

“Do we really need to run this fast?” Draco huffed after thirty seconds of rather urgent galloping.

“Wearing you out are we, Malfoy? My apologies.” Potter suddenly slowed to a walk and Draco almost collided into the back of him.

Draco’s eyes slid to Potter’s arse, cupped tightly by the jeans. Draco marveled at the sight. What an arse. Thankfully Potter still had his back turned, focused on Hagrid’s hut that was before them.

As they rounded the hut, Potter spotted the saw and ran forward.

“There we go; take that Cormac,” said Potter rather vengefully.

“A tad competitive are we?” asked Draco, grinning.

Potter turned, green eyes alight.

“Not at all,” he said, putting on an innocent voice. “I just know you hate losing, and as much as it’s become second nature, I thought you’d appreciate a victory.”

“Oh, that cuts deep Potter,” said Draco, clutching his heart dramatically.

Potter laughed, sending a shiver up Draco’s spine. The smile on the Gryffindor’s face was brilliant. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of that, Draco thought. He then considered smacking his head against Hagrid’s hut, wondering what the hell he was thinking.

“Race you to the Christmas Trees?” asked Harry, the glint of competition in his eyes.

“One, two…” Draco raced off on two, determined to beat Potter there. Surely carrying a large saw, the Gryffindor would be disadvantaged.

“Oi, that’s not fair!” yelled Potter at Draco’s back.

As they neared the Christmas trees, the two teams stopped to watch the pair race. Draco struggled to find good footing; the covering of snow made the grass slippery. He could hear Potter behind him, but with only about 30 metres to go, victory was in sight.

Thinking back to that moment, Draco realized he probably should have expected what was about to happen. After all, beating Potter apparently went against all that was right and just in the universe.

As Draco put on a final burst of speed he felt the grass beneath suddenly change to ice and the world around him seemed to slow. His feet slid forward across the icy ground and his hands flew out to the sides, in an attempt to find balance, making Draco appear like he was trying to take flight. He let out a rather ungraceful, “WOOOOOOAAAHHHHH!” and somehow managed to turn his head back and look at Potter, who was attempting to slow down, but made the decision too late.

Potter hit the icy area that Draco was still sliding across and the saw in his left hand swung up, like a gigantic knife, as he tried to stay upright. Draco looked on in horror.
Potter gasped as he saw Draco start to slow; their eyes met for a split second as both realized Potter had no control and was sliding full steam towards Draco with a massive sharp saw directed straight at him.

Suddenly Draco’s legs gave way, flying forward, sending him onto his back, spinning round to face an oncoming Potter.

Draco’s hands flew to his face. “No! Not my face!” he shrieked as a fate worse then death seemed to present itself.

Potter swung his hands out in front of himself in a vain attempt to regain balance, and Draco almost had a heart attack as Potter let go of the saw, which launched itself from Potter’s grip, flying forward.

The saw skimmed past Draco’s head and he felt the whoosh of the blade. He pulled his hands from his face, which seemed out of danger, at least for the time being, and put them behind him, steadying himself on the ground.

And then the unthinkable happened.

Potter lost his balance, but instead of falling on his (perfect) arse, like Draco had, he fell forward. By this time he was mere inches from Draco and he all but collapsed onto him. His hands landed on either side of Draco, who was almost lying flat on the icy ground after the traumatic ordeal.
Before either of them knew it, Potter’s head was resting on Draco’s chest, their shaking bodies pressed firmly against each other, with Draco’s legs spread and Harry positioned between them.

They lay like this for some time, both breathing heavily after an unexpected near-death experience. Their breathing slowed, but neither moved. Draco wondered if Potter had perhaps fallen asleep.

He was shaken from his reverie as footsteps rushed up behind him; the rest of the students were running over to see if they were okay.

“Are you hurt?”

“What happened?”

“Impressive slide.”

“I’m hungry.”

The rush of talk was rather overwhelming and Potter still hadn’t moved. Draco stared down at the black haired boy resting on his chest, and realized he wasn’t as nearly weirded out as he should be. As if in agreement with this thought, he felt his cock twitch, and suddenly he had to get Potter off his lap.

Cormac McLaggen was now standing over them, a grin spreading across his face as he eyed their position.

“Looks like Potter landed well, eh Malfoy?” Cormac smirked.

“Oh, shut up,” snapped Draco, feeling the blood rush to his face.

“Potter, are you awake down there?” Draco prodded the Gryffindor rather forcefully.
“Time to get up.”

“I think he might be enjoying that, Malfoy,” said Cormac, grinning even more.

“What… what happened?” said Potter groggily, lifting his head to look up at Draco. Their eyes met, and Draco felt his cock twitch again.

“You almost killed me with a flying saw, is what happened,” Draco replied, trying to sneer, but unable to keep the humour of it all from his face.

“It was quite impressive, Harry. It was rather like watching angry gymnasts ice-skate through a hardware store. And you finished off quite well, it seems.” Cormac was clearly enjoying himself too much.

Draco pushed at Potter and moved himself backwards. Potter steadied himself with his hands and they both stood up, brushing the snow and ice from their clothes.

“Where’s the saw?” asked Potter, looking around. “Malfoy, rest of team, let’s go.” And suddenly, just like that, Potter was off and going.

Cormac’s grin fled his face, as he turned and ran back over to the tree, where Draco spied an axe leaning against the trunk.

The rest of Draco’s team followed Potter toward their tree. Potter handed the saw to one of the Ravenclaws and slowed, waiting for Draco to catch up.

Shit, had he felt Draco’s cock, wedged against his chest? Draco panicked, but as he looked into Potter’s face, the Gryffindor smirked.

“’No, not my face?’ Really? You’re faced with death and ‘No, not my face’ is your first and final thought?” Potter chuckled.

Draco scowled. “Well, it is a rather impressive face, Potter. And I see you didn’t rush to move from your landing. Enjoying snuggling up to me, were you?” Draco knew he was blushing, but wasn’t going to be the only one humiliated.

He succeeded. Potter turned a bright red. “Fuck off, Malfoy.”

Potter paused, and then;

“But you’re right, it is rather impressive.” Potter blushed further as he gave Draco the once over and then promptly turned and ran to catch up with the group.

Draco felt something in his chest flutter.

Maybe staying at Hogwarts this Christmas wouldn’t be so bad after all.

BIC: Part One
, BIC: Part Two , BIC: Part Three
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