FIC: Because It's Christmas - Part Three (Things get interesting)

Dec 10, 2009 20:45

Fandom: Harry Potter
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers. No copyright infringement intended.
Title: Because It's Christmas
Author: jayfromperth
Beta: The perfect dysonrules
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~1300
Status: WiP, it will all be done by Christmas, and while I can't promise daily updates, I will try.
Summary: Harry and Draco are stuck at Hogwarts for Christmas. Things, as expected, get interesting. Harry and Draco are in their 6th year. This fic is for fun!
Note: There's lots of fluff, because I love fluff, especially at Christmas time. Hopefully this chapter things will get a little more interesting. Please leave a comment if you read and let me know what you think! I'm open to feedback of all kinds!! :-)

When Harry entered the Great Hall for dinner, after farewelling Ron and Hermoine as they headed home on the Hogwarts Express, an intriguing sight met his eyes. The four house tables were gone, replaced with one table, with 12 seats. The teacher’s table remained, but the Great Hall seemed rather empty, with the large house tables gone. Harry had expected more people to stay behind for the two week Christmas break, but apparently that was not the case.

After finding out Malfoy was the only other 6th year staying behind for the break, Harry couldn't help but be drawn to the blonde everytime they were in the same room together. It was embarrassing the way his face flushed red every time his nemesis looked at him, but Harry couldn't help it. Initially, he'd been disgusted with himself for even considering Malfoy as anything other than someone who deserved a life of pain and suffering for tormenting Harry and his friends all these years. But those grey eyes, that blonde hair, and all the smoldering looks he sent Harry's way, it all became too much. And instead of fantasising about locking lips with Ginny, all Harry wanted to do was lock hips with Malfoy.

Harry wouldn't say Ginny had turned him gay. This wasn't completely true. But she had definitely contributed. The constant demands, the up and down emotions, the breasts, it all was too much. And after several years of thinking about boys and girls, Harry had finally realised, he preferred men.

As he sat down to take his place at the table, next to a couple of third year Ravenclaws, Harry thought's drifted to Ron and Hermoine who were extremely excited about the Weasley family trip to Greece. It was rather surprising they could afford it, but apparently a rich witch who was related in some distant way had died, and they wanted to spend the inheritance on another family trip.

Harry was glad he wasn't going with them. Ron and Hermoine had been a bit much lately, fighting, kissing, fighting, then kissing, then kissing while fighting, it really was ridiculous. Harry was drawn from his thoughts by the sound of the chair next to him being pulled back. He looked up…

"Hi Harry, so you're staying behind too?"
"Cormac? I didn't know you'd be here over Christmas. Yeah, I'm stuck here. But it won't be too bad I'm sure. So why are you here?" Harry smiled at Cormac.
The cocky 7th year wasn't that bad. And he had a killer body, which Harry was definitely not looking at.
"Father said he'd prefer I didn't come home this Christmas. Didn't give me a reason why. I was rather put out, until he sent me half my presents early. He got me a new broom! The new Nimbus, you'll have to give it a spin, it goes fast, definitely comparable to your Firebolt..." Cormac was interrupted by Dumbledore.
Harry hadn't seen the teachers enter, nor Malfoy sit down further up the table. Before Harry could study the Slytherin, Cormac swiveled in his seat to face Dumbledore, and Harry looked towards the headmaster too.

"It's wonderful to see you all tonight," Dumbledore began, beaming at them.
"As you can see we have a smaller group than usual staying for Christmas this year, and we thought we'd make things a little more… intimate, at least when we dine."
Harry tried not to think about doing anything intimate with anyone at the dining table. Or on the dining table, for that matter.

"As you are aware, there's two weeks until the other students return from their Christmas break. Usually we'd leave you to your own devices for this period, but this year the teachers and I have come up with some fun activities to keep you occupied in the days leading up to Christmas."

Cormac turned to Harry with a questioning look. Harry thought he heard Draco sigh. Dumbledore continued.

"You will be split into two teams. There will be a different challenge every day in the lead up to Christmas, and depending on how successfully each team completes the challenge, points will be awarded. The team with the most points come Christmas Day wins. Now, enjoy dinner, and I'll announce the teams after dessert." Dumbledore beamed again, and sat down, as food appeared on the table.

Cormac again turned to Harry, but Harry's eyes were on Malfoy, who turned from Dumbledore and swept his gaze across the table. He looked past Harry at first, but his eyes returned, grey meeting green for what seemed like an age. Blood rushed to Harry's face as Malfoy sneered at him.
Harry's eyes snapped back to Cormac's as the 7th year Gryffindor launched back into an avid description of the finer points of his new broom.


After finishing dessert, Harry and the other students eagerly stared at Dumbledore, as their headmaster took his time licking the remnants of Spotted Dick off his spoon.
Malfoy had caught Harry staring at him several times during dinner. Harry tried to sneer back at the blonde, but feared he looked more like a confused blowfish then an aggressive 16 year old. Before Harry could give his no doubt bizarre facial expressions further thought, Dumbledore spoke.
"As previously stated, you will be split into two teams for the week of Christmas challenges. The teams have been picked at random, so you cannot blame anyone for the people you find yourself teamed up with. The people on Team One are..." Dumbledore scooped some parchment off the table and read;
"Sassy Sasquatch, from Hufflepuff."
Harry looked towards the nervous looking second year girl with massive teeth and a mole on her right cheek, smiling weakly at her when she caught him looking.
"Bridgette Muffintop, from Hufflepuff."
A round girl sitting two seats down from Harry appeared to vibrate in her seat, shaking the table Harry was leaning on. Harry assumed she was excited to be with a fellow Hufflepuff.
Dumbledore rattled off three other names - none of them his, Cormac's or Malfoy's.
Harry held his breath as Dumbledore opened his mouth to reveal who the final member on the first team would be. Harry figured a team with him, Malfoy and Cormac would be rather unbeatable, but would also mean he'd be doing a lot of blushing in the lead up to Christmas.
"And the final member of Team One is... Cormac McLaggen, from Gryffindor."
Harry's heart jumped, but he turned to Cormac to give him a sympathetic look, assuming he'd be sad he wasn't teamed with Harry. But apparently he'd missed the rather attractive brunette from Ravenclaw, also named in Team One, who was now making eyes at Cormac.
Harry then looked at Malfoy, who was glaring at Harry as if it was his fault they'd be paired together.
The green eyed boy just smiled at Malfoy, which made the Slytherin glare even harder.
Harry stifled a chuckle as Dumbledore dismissed them, saying team games would begin tomorrow.
As Harry headed for the door Malfoy pushed past him.
"It's going to be a long week if we can't get along Malfoy," Harry called out, unsure of his sudden confidence, his voice teasing.
Malfoy turned and flashed Harry his best smile yet, almost causing Harry's heart to stop.
"Oh, we'll get along just fine," drawled the Slytherin, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
Malfoy turned and stormed off to the dungeons.
Harry smiled to himself, figuring any response had to be better than none.


As he lay in bed that night, savouring the after-effects of another Malfoy induced orgasm, Harry wondered what the week would bring, and if there was any chance he and Malfoy would actually get along. Probably not, he thought.

But, then again, he mused, it is Christmas.

BIC: Part One

BIC: Part Two
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