
May 03, 2013 09:56

Originally published at supermegafoxyawesomehot. You can comment here or there.

I lied, this is Day One. And following it…

Day 2: 4 Fictional Characters
From 4 different fandoms.
(Or how do I talk about them without ending up in fangirl speech.)

1) Blaine Anderson
Blaine…Blaine…Blaine where do I start? Perhaps the moment you stole my breath was at the staircase of Dalton academy? Or perhaps you stole my heart (and kurt’s) when you sang teenage dream? And those Dalton Warblers’ Blazers certainly makes my heart race. I love the character of Blaine Anderson because there are many possible interpretations to his characters. Granted, there was a period of time when I disliked Blaine intensely (because he can be such a jerk and asshole) but even then there was some redeeming qualities in him too. I want to know what makes him tick, what makes him insecure and vulnerable and what makes him strong. And for that, he’s one of the characters that fascinate me in Glee. He is the only character that draws me back to that terrible show (besides klaine). Also I ship Klaine (Blaine & Kurt) like whoa! It is my OTP.

2) Draco Malfoy
Draco Malfoy is another enigmatic character that I love exploring. The Harry Potter series was written in the perspective of the protagonist so we barely scratched the surface of who Draco possibly is. I love reading Harry/Draco fics because it gives me glimpses of all the different possible takes of what Draco could be or will become. I feel that there is more to Draco and there is potential in developing it. I have also roleplayed this character before years back. It brings back fond memories.

3) Charles Xavier
Charles Xavier is another intriguing character. I have read and watched X-men while growing up and have always been awed by his telepathic abilities. But recently (2012), I fell in love with the movie “X-Men First Class” and love the new angles to his personality. It does not hurt that James McAvoy played such a charming Xavier. And the quality of cherik fics have influenced and fueled my fascination.

4) Tezuka Kunimitsu
Tezuka is my favourite character from Prince of Tennis (tenipuri). It is one of my favourite anime/manga/japanese-musical series. The manga-ka built a near perfect image of Tezuka which is unf and swoon worthy. He is a cool dude. I also ship him with Atobe (who is just as hawt and perfect and are rivals). I have written for this ~otp~.

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fangirl, general

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