Four things: Day 1

Apr 23, 2013 22:56

Originally published at supermegafoxyawesomehot. Please leave any comments there.

Despite being on tumblr and seeing such memes often, I rarely do it. It is a good time to start methinks.

Four likes
1. Books
I love books. I remember going to the library with my mum every weekend when I was a young child. When I was in primary school, it became my mission to read every book (I devoured series such as The Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Mary Poppins, Sweet Valley High, Secret Seven, Famous Five, Enid Blyton & Roald Dahl books, Terry Pratchett Discworld etc.) in the community library that was across the road. (Notable favourite books until today includes Anne Bishop’s Black Jewel Trilogy, Classics like Anne of Green Gables, Water babies, Secret Garden, David Copperfield, a little princess.) I grew up with the Harry Potter series. I was crazy enough to get my mum to help me buy it in Australia (because they get it before us in Singapore). Btw, this is my dream dress IW Royal Library jsk.

2. Breakfast
I love breakfast. I can have breakfast any time in the day. I enjoy all types of breakfast whether it is western (bacon and eggs *____* my weakness, mushroom, baked beans, sausages, eggs benedict, crabcakes), chinese (porridge or congee with dough fritters, dim sum, chee kueh, chee cheong fan, pau), malay (mee rebus, mee siam), indian (roti prata), local (prawn mee, lor mee, ba chor mee, fishball noodles), Japanese (miso soup, rice and pickles, soba), dessert & pastries (pancakes, waffles, all kind of breads such as wholemeal, banana bread, toast, tuna). Just listing it down makes me drool.

3. Musicals
I love musicals. They mesmerize me.

4. Karaoke
I love going karaoke. It is so fun when you go with the right group of friends. I like singing and it’s a chance for me to de-stress and let loose.

Four dislikes

1. Labels
I do not like having labels on people or myself. I feel restricted when I think about it.

2. Not Lactose Intolerant but…
I dislike milk, cheese, cream and yoghurt. I always tell people the reason behind so was because I ate enough to last me a lifetime. When I was in preschool, I love milk and cheese. I could eat a whole box of it. Now, I cannot stand the taste of it. I am also very particular about beef. I don’t like it generally and can only stomach a spoonful of kobe/wagyu beef.

3. People who take advantage of others
I dislike people who take advantage of people with a good heart. >P

4. Waiting
I absolutely detest waiting for people. It is so pointless and a waste of time.

10 minute fiction under the cut ->

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