Ten Minute Fiction: where does it go

Apr 21, 2013 23:29

Originally published at supermegafoxyawesomehot. Please leave any comments there.

I have not swim for a very long time. I went to the pool today since a friend came over my place for a swim. I hate the dryness in my throat and the itch in my skin… I think it is probably because of the chlorine/chemicals in the pool and I dislike the feeling. So I doubt I will be going for a swim any time soon.

If you’ve known me for a long time, you know I constantly sing and heap praises to my online friends. I have been truly blessed by them. It is amazing that we have found friends across continents that we count as kindred souls. This comes after reading a tweet by Kate about this post Anna made. I have always loved the idea of an online friend (back theeeen) where we knew each other only through words from our blogs and im services such as msn. We learn about each other through our thoughts that we shared on the net and often we bared our souls (teenage angst) in our journals. Many of us grew up together… and it is amazing and humbling to see that this relationship we have forged and nurtured stays as strong as any irl friendships. In a way, one often feels that our online friends truly get us because of our deep emotional connection. This friendship is intense. I would love to make more new friends and stalk more blogs now that I am blogging once more again.

I’m trying this ten minute fiction challenge that Kya does. I’m rusty when it comes to writing, so I need a warm up. I write anything that comes into my mind for ten minutes. It is unplanned thus nonsensical…

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