Midweek bites

May 15, 2013 23:15

Originally published at supermegafoxyawesomehot. Please leave any comments there.

I read a quote on twitter about how when we pay for experiences, it makes us happier, compared to paying for materials things. I paused. And reflected. If you had told me this six months ago, I would have replied that buying lolita gave me a similar joy. Yet how time and age have changed my perceptions and beliefs on things. I find myself at this point of life - happier to live in the experience - than in gaining material possessions.

Over the weekend, I caught two plays. Pangdenomium’s (one of my favourite local production companies) Rabbit Hole and SRT Shakespeare in the Park - Othello. I would love to blog about it more which I shall when I have a more “proper” update. As I sit here typing this, my eyelids are getting heavier. I am ready for bed.

10 Minute Fiction (before I go to bed)
Perhaps you were always the stronger one, the anchor to our friendship and sisterhood bond that we shared. There was never a doubt that you will be there - a mug of hot chocolate on one hand, a cheeky grin and a gadget at hand. We would cuddle and sit in our squeezy little pillow fort; sharing deep dark secrets and thoughts. That it would all turn to dust, in a blink of an eye (as how our nights break into day), was something I never could anticipate, imagine or believe.


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