jasmasson Aug 28, 2013 12:50
yuletide, las, the x-files, merlin, fic, fic: bond, small fandoms need love too!, orlando bloom/eric bana, joe/nick, mini_nanowrimo, slash, lotr rps, off the script, the oc seth/ryan, discipline, jobros, sk/k, kinky, gen, inception, fic: supernatural, fic: supernatural (fictional person fic), fic: the oc, beer boys rps eb/ob series, fic: troy, supernatural, growing pains, in retrospect, fic: the social network, bbc_las, het, troy, fic: lotr rps, tsn, sam and dean gen, john moneypenny, fic: star trek, big bang, fic: red dwarf, jared/jensen, fic: supernatural rps, sam/dean, arthur/merlin, hector/paris, fic: jobros, fic: merlin
jasmasson Oct 31, 2010 01:19
gen, fic: supernatural, fic: supernatural (fictional person fic), sam and dean gen, fic
jasmasson Jan 01, 2010 17:52
yuletide, gen, fic: bond, small fandoms need love too!, john moneypenny, slash, fic