Fic announcement x4

Jan 01, 2010 17:52

SO! These were the fics I wrote for yuletide:

1) The Mechanical Heart. 4,000 words. PG. Holmes/Watson gen. They discover the Victorian Age was one of great danger as well as great advancement.

This was the one I was actually allocated in the exchange. The person requested Sherlock Holmes - friendship, steampunk.

Authorial rambling: This was pretty hard for me, actually. One of the things about yuletide is you are matched ONLY on fandom and characters you'd like to see, so you can be matched with someone who has VERY different tastes and that is, in fact, what happened, i.e. the person was NOT a slasher. Now, I enjoy gen a lot, but I'd never set out to write a genfic before. I've just let the chips fall where they may - if the characters want to snog, that's been fine, if not FINE TOO. But I had to watch myself carefully this time. I'm happy to say I think I matched what she wanted quite well.

Also, Holmes is a VERY popular yuletide fandom (with 33 requests, the 11th most popular out of 2,675 fandoms requested) MUCH more popular than the others I offered, so I need to think about the fact that if I offer Holmes, the odds are high that that's what I'll be writing (particularly after the movie, probably, although that may or may not push the fandom out of yueltide as no longr small enough). So if I want to stretch myself with something else next time, maybe I ought not offer it. But I LIKE Holmes. Something to think about next year.

I was pleased with the reception for my fic - a lot of hits and comments for yuletide, but that's because it's a popular fandom, of course. If I do a different fandom next time, must be prepared to have less hits and comments! Remind me I knew that in advance when I'm crying about my poor, rejected yueltide fic next year, won't you? ;)

2) Bertram and Bunnies. Jeeves and Wooster 1,700 words, PG13, Slash. There's something loose in Bertie's bedroom...

This was a 'pinch-hit' - i.e. this recipient's writer pulled out at the last and I only had one day to write it.

3) Keeping Pets. The Outsiders, Dally/Johnny, gen, 1,200 words, PG. With pets comes responsibility.

This was an extra, yuletide madness gift for a flister (waves to destina).

4) One Day. James Bond, Bond/boy!Moneypenny, slash, PG, 500 words. John Moneypenny works for M. So does James Bond

This was an extra, yuletide madness gift for someone who needed a late pinch-hit. Someone else did the pinch hit, but I saw the request and liked the looks of it! (I really, rather like the result, too!)

In summary, definitely recommend the yuletide experience!

I'm off out for dinner, now. <3 Happy New Year!

yuletide, gen, fic: bond, small fandoms need love too!, john moneypenny, slash, fic

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