Fic: Coming Home (Private Practice/ Grey's Anatomy)

Jul 17, 2009 21:21

Title: Coming Home

Author: jas_mien
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character: AddekSummary: What if there was more to Derek being absent, Addison sleeping with Mark and the divorce. What if a big drama caused all this to happend. And what happens when after 6 years they get the chance to be happy again?

Addison took a deep breath and went back into the kitchen where Lily and Naomi still sat in silence.

Naomi smiled at Addison.

“I have patients to see. Guess I leave you two alone for a while.”

Naomi only turned around again to have a look at Addison and Lily. She couldn't believe this. After all Addie and Derek went through no one would have thought to see Lily again.

Addison stroked over Lily's back.

“Come one. Let's go into my office.”

In Addison's office she sat down in one corner of the couch and gestured for Lily to sit down on the other side. Lily sat down shyly.

“It's weird isn't it?” Addison gave a small smile.

Lily looked up from her hands and directly into Addison's eyes.

Addison felt goosebumps run over her skin. She could see so many emotions in her daughter's eyes that she just wanted to move closer and hold her forever.

“Where's Dad?”

This question hit Addison unprepared.

“We...we're not together anymore.” She stuttered. “But he's on his way here. I called him.” Addison tried to save the moment.

Lily moved her gaze back to her hands in her lap.

“A lot happened.”

Addison nodded unable to speak. How could the first she had to tell her daughter be that her parents are divorced. This wasn't how their new life together should have started.

She took a deep breath.

“I think we should go home.”

“Home?” Lily asked.

“I haven't used that word in a long time.”

Addison swallowed back tears.

“Where have you lived all the time?”

Lily's eyes filled with tears again and she shook her head slightly.

“Can we just go?”

She asked without looking up.

Addison felt her heart clenching at the sight of her daughter. What had happened to her in those six years?

“Okay.” She whispered and held out her hand for Lily to take it.


Finally, Lily lifted her head and took her mother's hand.

Together they left the practice


In Seattle, Derek was sitting in front of the computer doing some research for his upcoming surgery. After the call from Addison he was unable to move an inch.

Mark walked in and looked at his friend.

“Hey man, you look like you saw a ghost.”

He smiled and slapped Derek on the shoulder.

Derek turned towards him.

“She's alive.” He whispered.

Mark looked at him confused.


Derek looked up at him.


Mark slummed down on the chair across from Derek.

“What? How do you know?”

“Addie called a few minutes ago. Lily is in LA with her.”

Mark gasped unable to close his mouth.

“Oh god.”

In the next moment, Derek jumped up from his chair.

“I gotta go. I'm flying to LA. I need to see her.”


Derek was almost out of the room when he yelled.

“Tell Meredith and Richard I'll call them later.”

“But....” Mark was about to asked but Derek had already run out of the room and was now turning the next corner in the hallway.

“But Meredith doesn't even know your daughter ever existed.”

He mumbled to himself.


Addison had ordered some Pizza for them but both weren't really hungry and the Pizza carton lay on the table barely touched. They still hadn't talked much. The situation was just too surreal and Addison was afraid she could trigger some trauma when asking the wrong question. She really needed to talk to Violet tomorrow and ask for advice. Addison leaned back in the armchair and looked at Lily who had been falling asleep on he couch. She felt so helpless and just hoped Derek would be here soon. Addison stood up and took a blanket from the hallway closet. She spread it over her daughter and tucked a strand of hair behind Lily's ear before she kissed her on the cheek.

“I love you Lily.”


“Mr and Mrs Shepherd your daughter has been missing for 6 month now. We searched the whole city, even the whole county. There's nothing more we can do here.”

Addison sat in her living room on the couch with Derek next to her, kneading her hand in his. She looked at the picture of her daughter sitting on the mantelpiece. It was taken a week before Lily vanished. Addison felt the tears running down her cheeks how it happened every day now, while Derek was yelling at the police men.

“What are you trying to tell us? That we should just give up looking for our daughter? That we should just forget her? It is your job to find her, dammit!”

He jumped up with such a force that it made Addison flinch.

Derek ran his hands through his hair in desperation.

“I'm sorry, but we did all we could.” The police man tried to justify his words.

Derek slummed back next to Addison the words ringing in his ears. The exact same words he had spoken so often after loosing a patient and telling the family.

But had they done enough? Would it ever be enough?


Addison was woken by the door bell and jerked up from the armchair she had fallen asleep in. She remembered bringing Lily upstairs into the guest room and trying to get some sleep herself. After an hour of staring onto the ceiling in her bedroom she had decided to go back downstairs and occupy her mind with something else than thoughts of the last 7 years.

Addison went to the front door and opened it still sleepy and stiff from the uncomfortable position the armchair had forced her in.

All the sleep was taken off her body when she saw who was now standing in front of her.


Addison whispered, her voice hoarse from the sleep.

“Hey, Addie.”

Derek took a step forward and brought his arms around her.

They held each other for a while before Addison pulled apart and led her ex- husband into her new home.

They sat down on the couch next to each other, Derek turning to the side to face Addison.

“It's really her?”

Addison nodded.

“You think I wouldn't recognize my own daughter?”

“That's not what I meant.”

“I know. She's beautiful, Derek.”

Addison looked at him and only now did she see the red circles around his eyes and again tears were starting to pool in the same blue eyes their daughter had.

“Derek? Are you alright?”

Derek nodded and cleared his throat.

“Yeah. This is just...”

“A lot.” Addison finished his sentence.

“Where's she now?”

Addison pointed to the stairs.

“Sleeping upstairs. She was exhausted.”

“Did you talk to her?”

Addison shook her head and stared at her hands.

“No. Not really. She's different.”
“What do you mean?”

Addison looked up at him, a single tear running down her right cheek.

“6 years Derek. 6 years we don't know anything about.”

Derek moved closer and wiped away Addison's tear with the thumb of his left hand. His right hand took hers and squeezed it tight.

“Everything will be alright now.”

fic: coming home, stories

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