Fic: Coming Home (Private Practice/ Grey's Anatomy)

Jul 14, 2009 14:03

Title: Coming Home

Author: jas_mien
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character: AddekSummary: What if there was more to Derek being absent, Addison sleeping with Mark and the divorce. What if a big drama caused all this to happend. And what happens when after 6 years they get the chance to be happy again?

The doctors of Oceanside Wellness were sitting in the kitchen when Dell walked in from the lobby.


Addison looked up from her green drink that was supposed to give her new energy after a long night of surgery.

“What is it?”

Dell hesitated.

“There's a girl outside who wants to see you.”

“But I don't have a patient scheduled right now.”

Addison frowned.

“She's not a patient.”

“Then what Dell? I'm not in the mood to play games here. Just spill it out.”

“She says...she says that she's your daughter.”

Naomi gasped and looked over to Addison. She could see all the color drain from her face.

Sam dropped his fork into the salad.

“What sick joke is that?”

“I told her Addison didn't have a daughter.” Dell explained.

“She seemed shocked about that though.”

Addison lifted her head and the others could see tears pooling in her eyes.

“How old is she?”

Dell shrugged.

“She didn't tell but I would say about 16.”

Addison grabbed the table tighter.

“Did she say anything else?”


Naomi tried to grab her friends hand but Addison pulled away.

“Addie don't do this to yourself.”

Dell looked from Naomi to Addison a confused expression forming around his eyes.

“She said her name was Lilian.”

Addison put her hands in front of her mouth. They were shaking and Addison felt how her chest tightened and her breathing got labored.

“No.” She exhaled.

“Oh my God.” Naomi and Sam exclaimed in unison.

“But that can't be.” Naomi shook her head in disbelief.

Addison stood up in a daze and walked out of the kitchen in direction of the lobby.

Dell stood in the door frame undecided what to do when Naomi rushed past him following Addison.

“Okay, what did we miss?” Cooper looked at the others.


Addison was done in the hospital for the day and was exhausted. All she wanted to do now was to go home to her husband and daughter. On her way out of the main entrance she ran into Derek who was just leaving an elevator.


Derek walked toward her put his arm around her and kissed her on the cheek.


“Derek, what are you doing here? You were supposed to be at home this afternoon to look after Lily.”

He nodded.

“I know. But I got paged and Lily wanted to go over to Susanne anyways so I brought her over on my way here.”

“So we're here with two cars again?” Addison chuckled. “The poor planet.”

Derek placed his arm around her waist and moved in for a deep kiss.

“What do you think about picking up our little girl and I get home and start preparing dinner?”

“Sounds good.” She pecked his lips. “Let's get going.”

A few minutes later Addison knocked on the door of Susanne's house. Mrs Filler opened the door and frowned at her.

“Mrs Shepherd.”

“Good evening Mrs Filler. I'm here to pick up Lily. Is she ready?”

“Oh, she already left half an hour ago. She told us you were probably home by then.”

“Yeah, we were a little late today.” Addison felt her heart sink, she didn't like her 10 year old to walk the streets alone even if it was just 5 minutes away.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when her cell phone rang in her pocket. She took it out and opened it.

“Hey Addie..”

Derek's voice came from the other end.

“Are you up for spaghetti or pizza?”

Addison smiled at herself. Those were the only two things Derek was capable of cooking.

“Why don't you ask Lily?” Addison answered.

“Okay, can you hand the phone to her?”

Addison frowned and her pulse quickened.

“What do mean? She's with you?”

There was silence on the other end.

“No. You are at the Filler's house to pick her up.”

Addison felt her knees go weak.

“Derek. She left here half an hour ago. You sure she's not there?”

“Addie...I'm the only one here.”

“Oh god....”

On the other end Addison heard a loud clutter when the plates Derek was about to put on the table slipped out of his hands and landed on the floor.

“I'm calling the police, Addie. Stay were you are.”

Addison slummed down on the front porch and could only think one thing.

This was a nightmare.


Addison arrived in the lobby and looked at a girl standing near the counter. She had middle long bright brown hair and when she turned around and looked at Addison, Addison could see the bluest eyes ever. The eyes she saw every night in her dreams.

“Lily?” She asked with a hoarse voice.

The tears were now streaming down her face.


The girl moved closer now and Addison could see that her wonderful blue eyes were full of tears as well.

Addison opened her arms and Lily let herself fall into them.

“I missed you, baby.”
Addison tightened her arms around her daughter. A daughter she thought she would never see again.

A few minutes later Addison, Naomi and Lily were sitting in the kitchen in silence. Lily hadn't really sad anything yet. But Addison new she had to give her time. They hadn't seen each other in 6 years. She had to know what had happened in all those years but she knew she mustn't push her to talk about it. Addison felt like never leaving her daughter's side again but there was something she had to do.

She looked at Naomi.

“I'll be right back.”

And walked into her office.

Addison took the phone and dialed.


Derek's voice answered.

“Derek? It's me.”


“Derek, she's alive. She's here.”


Addison could here in his voice that he had a faint idea of whom she was talking about. But he needed confirmation.

“Lily. Derek she's here.”

Silence on the other end.

“Derek? Are you still there?”

“Yeah...but...oh my god....but.....we thought she was...”

“I know.”

Addison interrupted him.

“I'm taking the next flight to L.A., Addie.”

And with this he hung up.

fic: coming home, stories

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