Fic: Family Business (Private Practice)

Jul 12, 2009 17:29

Title: Family Business
Author: jas_mien
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character: all characters, HotCop in later chaptersSummary: Addison’s brother shows up in L.A. and diggs up some past and some family backround and drama

Archer held Amy close even minutes after Caleb had left. Amy's sobs died down and she looked up at him with tears still rolling down her cheeks.

“She's really gone?” Amy hiccuped.

Archer nodded.

“She is.” he whispered and ran his hand over Amy's hair.

He brought her over to the couch and let her sit down next to Addison who took her little sister into her arms.

Amy snuggled into her.

“Do I have to live with dad now?”

She looked up at Addison with the fear visible in her eyes.

Addison swallowed hard and gave her sister a reassuring squeeze.

“We'll figure something out that you can stay here. We're a family, remember?”

Amy nodded and pulled out of the hug.

“Can I go upstairs?”

Addison stroked Amy's back.

“Sure. Let us know when you need anything, okay?”


Amy went upstairs and little later the three could hear her door falling shut.

Archer exhaled sharply and sat down across from Addison.

“Oh man, I had no idea she was listening from upstairs.”

Addison nodded.

“This wasn't how she was supposed to find out.”

Kevin joined the two in the living room and brought with him the court order Caleb had left on the counter.

“What are we going to do about this?”

He placed the order on the table and put his hand on the small of Addison's back.

Addison let her head fall into her hands.

“This is all so screwed up.”

Archer took the order and studied it.

“I'm going to show this to a lawyer. There has to be a way. She can't stay with him. Not after everything that happened.”

Archer stood up.

“I'll let you know what I find out.”

He gave Addison a reassuring smile and left the house.


Upstairs Amy sat down on her bed and took her diary.

Dear Diary. I lost my mum today. She wasn't the best but she was still my mummy. My dad is fighting for me. Not for my sake though. I won't go and live with him. Never.

I'm scared. I'm doing bad thing. I can't stop. I'm not even sure I want to.

She placed the book open on her bed, the pen rolled into the middle where the pages meet.

Amy stood up and walked over to the window. She looked outside when silent tears began to stream down her face. This didn't feel like her life anymore. Amy walked in daze when she took the razor blade out of her jeans pocket.


Downstairs Kevin still had his hand on Addison's back when he felt how her whole body stiffened.

“Are you okay?”

He asked concerned.

“I'm just really exhausted after this early and chaotic morning.”

She turned to him with tired eyes.

“Let's get you upstairs and take a nap.”

Addison nodded and together they stood up from the couch.

Kevin slung his arm around her waist and held her close.

They slowly walked up the stairs.

Kevin led Addison to the bedroom when he felt her stop.

“Let me check on Amy first.”

Kevin loosened his grip around her but made sure his fiancée was stable on her legs.

“Can you make it?”

Addison nodded at him.

“Sure, I'm alright.”

Kevin turned and went into the bedroom while Addison opened the door to Amy's room.


When Addison walked into Amy's room she found her little sister lying on the floor in a pool of blood. Addison was unable to move. This couldn't be happening.

After what seemed like minutes she took some steps forward and knelt down next to Amy. She was unconscious and the blood was still pouring out of several cuts on her left arm.

“Kevin!” Addison yelled.

Kevin heard Addison scream his name which let the blood freeze in his veins. He ran over and stopped dead in his tracks as soon as he reached the door frame. Addison didn't turn around when she ordered him to call 911.

Kevin did as he was told and 5 minute later the paramedics arrived.

In the meantime Addison had stopped the bleeding and was sitting on the floor with Amy in her lap.

The paramedics lifted Amy onto the gurney and carried her downstairs.

Addison looked over to Kevin who just nodded.

“Go with her, I'm driving behind.”

Addison climbed into the ambulance and took Amy's hand.

Kevin watched as the rear doors where closed and the ambulance drove away with loud sirens.


When Kevin arrived at the hospital he had to asked his way through to the room they had Amy brought into. He entered to find Addison sitting in a chair next to the hospital bed, holding Amy's hand. He went closer and gave Addison's shoulder a squeeze.

Addison turned around with tears in her eyes.


“How is she?”

“They gave her transfusions and sutured the cuts. The doctor asked me for how long she has been doing this.”

Kevin frowned.


“Her arm has been full of cuts. Some fresh others almost healed. Why didn't I notice, Kevin?”

Kevin shook his head.

“This is not your fault.”

“But I'm her sister and I'm a doctor. I should have noticed.”

Kevin moved to stand in front of Addison and looked her in the eyes.

“You couldn't Addie. Remember how you told me she was good in pretending and acting?”

Addison nodded and noticed only now that Kevin had brought a bag.

She nodded toward the bag and gave him a questioning look.

“I packed some of Amy's stuff.”

He answered and leaned down to get something out of the bag.

“And I found this laying open on her bed.”

He pulled out the diary and handed it to Addison.

Addison took the book, opened it and began to read.


At the practice the members where gathered in the conference room for the morning meeting. Only Addison was missing.

“Is Addison not coming in today?”

Pete wondered.

Naomi looked up from the chart lying on front of her and shook her head.

“No, Kevin called. They are at the hospital.”

“Is Addison okay? Is something wrong with the baby?”

Pete asked concerned.

“No. It's Amy.”

Naomi took a deep breath.

“I'm afraid she tried to kill herself.”

A shocked silence spread through the room.

Violet was the first to find her voice again.

“How?” She asked quietly.

“Apparently she cut her wrist.”

Naomi explained.

“Oh no. But she promised to stop.”

Dell whispered lost in thoughts.

“Dell? What's that?”

Violet addressed him now a little louder.

Dell looked at his hands lying on the table.

“I found her in the hallway closed with a razor blade the other day. She begged me not to tell anyone. I made her promise me to stop.”

“And you didn't tell us?”

Naomi's voice was filled with rage.

“What were you thinking?”

She shrieked.

“She promised me to stop.”

He said again.

“It's not so easy to just stop cutting, Dell.”

Violet explained calmly.

“It's like an addiction. The person needs professional help.”

Dell nodded and looked up at Violet.

She could see the guilt in his eyes and put her hand over his.

“It's not your fault, Dell. Cutting is usually not associated with suicide. It's self-harm but the people don't have the wish to kill themselves.”

“Okay, still the show must go on. Patients are waiting.”

Cooper announced and was the first to stand up from the table and leave the conference room.


In the hospital Amy woke up and saw Addison and Kevin sitting close to her bed. She noticed Addison looking at her and a small smile spreading over her face.

“Hey, Amy. Welcome back.”

Amy felt her left hand being squeezed and looked down at it. That was when she noticed her left arm was in a big bandage. A shock went through her bones. Oh no, they knew. Her head was still clouded and she couldn't remember why she was here. She remembered being in her room and looking out of the window. She remembered turning to the chair with her jeans and taking out the razor blade but then everything is gone.

“What happened?”

Amy looked at Addison to give her the answer.

Addison looked down at her and Amy could see tears starting to pool in her sisters eyes.

“Can't you remember?” Addison frowned at her.

Amy shook her head.

Addison inhaled deeply.

“ tried to...kill yourself.”

Amy's eyes grew wide in surprise.


Addison still had Amy's left hand in both of hers and now lifted it up to her mouth and kissed it.

Amy pulled her hand out of Addison's grip.

“No. I didn't. Addie I wouldn't do this. I didn't try to kill myself. That was an accident. I was just....” Amy felt how hard it was to admit what she was doing for weeks now.

“I was just...cutting myself. You have to believe me, Addie.”

Addison looked at her and nodded.

“I do.”

But Amy could see in her sister's eyes that she didn't believe her at all.

fic: family business, stories

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