Overdue Kidney Post

Jan 05, 2008 08:05

I just got up so I can take my giant handful of pills and realized I never actually posted the details after surgery. I wrote that post last night so matter-of-factly without realizing I skipped a step. Since I have to sit here for the next twenty minutes or so, slowly popping these awful things I might as well fill you in.

As you may recall I was released on Christmas Day. We got home around 2 PM. My mother, aunt and brother came over for a bit but all in all we just sat around. The very next day I discovered that I cannot take my pills too fast or I will throw them up. It is also a good idea for me to take them with food. I have had two clinic visits since leaving the hospital and each time I have shown considerable improvement. Unfortunately I have had to go in to the ER once when I started throwing up one morning. They didn't think it was kidney related. Aside from a few minor snags with the insurance company everything is going really well for me.

In better news Andrew is recovering quite well. We have gotten together a couple times since getting out of the hospital. I wish I could see him more often but what can you do? He also had an appointment with the kidney folks yesterday and they gave him a clean bill of health. They have even lifted his driving restriction. I am quite pleased he is doing so well, I don't think I could have handled it if something went wrong.


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