May 13, 2007 16:57
Hey All, I know its been awhile so I figured I'd give a little update.
I went home this weekend. Don't be pissed if you didn't see me, I didn't really do much. It was pretty much a mini vacation in Westerville. I went to a nice dinner with the rents, had an enjoyable night, did some lawnwork in the gorgeous weather for some money and then sat in the sun and relaxed. Pretty much to opposite of anything that I would have done in Athens. I'm half bummed I missed "Palmer Fest" at OU, but there will be many for fests in the future so I'm not too worried about it.
Like most people who are still in school right now, I'm losing steam quickly. I'm exhausted, and sick of doing work, but hopefully this little trip home will reinvigorate my drive to get good grades. This looks like its going to be the quarter of my first B *ducks from tomatoes* and I really don't care about it. I probably won't be going to grad school so amazing grades isn't a priority. Right now number 1 priority is staying sane (which is a surprisingly large amount of work).
Also this quarter I became a student manager at work. Pretty much all it means is that I get a 50 cent raise and I have to work more hours. It was probably a mistake considering how busy I already am, and the more time I spend as a manager the more I regret it a bit. Next year I may be making more though (since the minimum wage increase messed up the managers pay raises) so it may be worth it. OH! I forgot the best part, I get free meals in the dining hall next year. It sounds silly, but it might actually save me lots of money, and be convenient.
So summer is quickly approaching and I've finally created a semi concrete plan for what I will be doing. I got an internship at Deep Focus, which is an entertainment marketing company. They market for some big names like 20th Century Fox, Miramax, and HBO. Its not a production internship, but it sounds like it some interesting work, a new type of career I'm interested in looking into. I will be leaving for Los Angeles then on the 14th or 15th of June. That gives me roughly a week at home before I begin my cross country drive. I WANT TO SEE EVERYONE IN THAT WEEK. So make sure we have a party, or a cookout or something, because I want to see everyone. (Ed, perhaps we should get lunch or something once I'm out there!)
I feel out of touch with everyone who doesn't go to OU (and some who do). I would love if anyone got the time just to email me with how you're doing, or just post an entry with how your life is going, I'd enjoy that a lot. If you get a chance the email address is I miss everyone, and hope to see you soon.