Black and White: (0/?)

Jun 18, 2010 20:07

Title: Black and White
Pairing: Kibum/Kevin, Eli/Alexander, SooHyun/Dongho, Kiseop/??, onesided!Kibum/Kiseop
Genre: highschool!AU
Rating: G
Word count: 810
A/N: REPOST FROM OLD ACCOUNT (Originally posted on April 28, 2010 at 8:29 PM)
(Original title: Fast Times at Choi Hong Lee High School)


The door slammed, disrupting the peace and announcing the arrival of someone to the house. The boy who was reveling in the quietness and solitude groaned and rolled over on his bed to bury his head in the pillows.

“Kevin?” a voice called out. “Kevin, come down here, please.”

With a sigh, the boy pushed himself up from where he lay on the bed. He tried to flatten his tousled hair as he dragged his feet all the way down the stairs and into the living room where his mother was waiting for him. When he entered the room, he saw his mother pulling off her jacket and placing it on the arm of the couch.

“I just came from your new school,” she informed him, rolling her eyes at the darkened expression that crossed his face. “Honestly, sweetie, it’s a really nice school. I’m sure you’ll love it.” Kevin let himself fall to the couch without a word and just looked up at his mother. She tossed him a folder with his name on it. “It’s your schedule and a couple pamphlets and a map of the school,” she told him before he could ask. With that, she walked into the kitchen to prepare a late lunch.

Kevin sat there for a while more, glaring at the folder. He internally cursed the company his mom worked for. Why had they decided to transfer her to a branch far enough away (two cities over, if anyone's keeping track) that they’d have to move and he’d have to switch schools? And in the middle of the semester, no less?

He missed his old school. He missed his old house. He missed his friends and he missed his boyfriend. Ex, he reminded himself bitterly. The whole reason for the stupid break up was because his ex claimed he wasn’t able to deal with a “long distance relationship”. It wasn’t even that far, for crying out loud.

It hurt, it really did, but he dealt with it and accepted it because really, who wants someone who breaks off a relationship because of a stupid reason like that? Still, he couldn’t help but feel hurt all over again because his boyfriend--ex-had been the only one who completely understood Kevin among all his friends. He knew how shy Kevin was and how scared of big crowds he was. He knew that Kevin loved ferris wheels but was scared of heights. He knew that Kevin had a penchant for Disney movies. He knew what Kevin hated and what he loved. He knew what made Kevin tick.

Kevin stopped himself from going any further, lest any tears start to fall from his eyes. He hoisted himself off from the couch and, folder in hand, made his way back to his room. Once there, he set the folder on his bed and strode over to his desk. He sat there for a minute before deciding that he would at least look at what the school was offering.

He took out his schedule first. Seeing that he had English for first period and back to back dance classes for second and third, he smiled. His mom knew of his love for dance and had obviously pulled some strings to get him two dance classes for which he was thankful. After the dance classes was an hour long lunch, followed by his math, history and science classes. He grimaced at the last three classes. He wouldn’t have much motivation for staying in school passed lunch, but he knew he wouldn’t have the guts to skip, something his mother knew also.

Next he looked at the school map, taking in the slick print and glossy page. "Choi Hong Lee High School: School for the Arts and Athletics," was emblazoned in gold above the scale drawing of the school's layout. Hmm, thought Kevin. Seems pretentious... But I mean mom thinks it's nice so... He shrugged it off.

He looked at the layout of the school. It seemed simple enough-a courtyard; a two-story main building that housed the school’s office and library, as well as all the English and history and math classes; an over-large gymnasium with a dance room right in front; a large field complete with bleachers behind the gym; a science building (separated only because students in certain classes would be dealing with extremely flammable chemicals and they didn’t want to burn the main building down); and a two-story cafeteria. All he’d have to concentrate on was not walking into the wrong classroom.

He closed the folder, choosing not to read any of the pamphlets. With a sigh he glanced at the calendar on the wall. Tomorrow was Wednesday. He’d have to start school tomorrow. He groaned and wondered how he was going to survive.

edited 2012/12/18

repost, au: high school, r: g, p: soohyun/dongho, fic: black and white, g: romance, fandom: u-kiss, p: kibum/kiseop, p: eli/alexander, p: kibum/kevin

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