I Miss You

Jun 18, 2010 20:52

Title: I Miss You
Pairing: KeMaru
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 844
Summary: They hardly ever had time to spend together anymore
This was a break from {Black and White}.

Kibum glanced up at the clock and sighed. It was getting late again - too late. The boys were in the practice room, taking a quick break before they ran through the songs they were going to perform again. It was hard work, but they promised their Pinoy fans a surprise.

“Okay, let’s go,” said Alexander, always the one to motivate the others into starting again.

Kibum sighed again and got into position with the rest. The first notes of the song played and everyone started dancing.


Forty-five minutes later, the boys stopped for another break.

“Good job, guys!” cheered Alexander. “We’re almost done for today.”

Kibum just rolled his eyes. He was about to walk over to the water dispenser at the back of the room when he noticed Kevin sitting in the far corner with his head resting on his knees.

Strange, thought Kibum, Kevin’s usually still dancing at this point in practice.

All thoughts of water abandoned, Kibum padded his way over to Kevin. The younger looked up at his Hyung with tired eyes and let out a gigantic puff of air. Kibum’s heart ached at the sight of his best friend like that. He plopped himself down beside Kevin and wrapped his arms around him.

Kevin melted into the embrace. “I’m so tired, Kibum Hyung,” he said.

“I think we all are Kevin,”

“But…” Kevin couldn’t even bring himself to finish. He knew it was true, but he couldn’t help but to complain like he was the only one going through the exhaustion.

Kibum settles for tightening his hold on Kevin and rubbing soothing circles on his shoulder. Kevin fully relaxed himself into Kibum’s arms.

“Thank, Hyung,” he murmured.

It was silent for a while more before Kibum voiced one of the many thoughts that were racing around in his head.

“You know…You never replied to my tweet to you…” he said.

“Tweet?” Kevin asked. He looked at Kibum, huge question marks popping out of his eyes before realization erased them. “Ohh,” he continued. “But…Hyung, I thought you said that was just fan-service…”

“The tweet, yes. But not the message…” answered Kibum.

Kevin looked down to hide his flaming cheeks. “Oh,” he said again.

Kibum glanced around to make sure that no one was watching. All the others were obsessing over getting a certain move just right or who got to drink first.

He bent his head close to Kevin’s as he whispered, “You DO know that I miss you, right? That I miss spending time with you, playing games, hanging out…” He looked up at the others again, just to be sure. “That I miss this…” He lifted Kevin’s head and lowered his so that their lips met in the softest kiss (the only kiss) that they’ve had in a long time.

The kiss seemed to last for a long time, but it still wasn’t enough for them. They pulled apart, though grudgingly, because there would be hell to pay if their group mates ever saw them.

Kevin looked at Kibum, tears slowly filling his eyes. “I miss you, too, Hyung. I miss you, too.”

Kibum smiled and wiped Kevin’s tears away before stealing a small, quick kiss. Kevin laughed and stood, pulling Kibum up with him. They turned to check on the rest, who were thankfully still immersed with what they were doing. Without anymore distractions, Kibum pulled Kevin to the water dispenser and filled a cup for them both.

“Guys, I think that’s enough for tonight,” called SooHyun, “I don’t think we need any more work right now. We’ll just pick it up tomorrow.”

Kevin hid a smirk. “Kibum Hyung, I’m too sleepy to go all the way home!” he said in a whiny tone. “Can I stay at your house tonight?” He complimented the tone with a mock pout that only Kibum could see through.

“Sure, Kevin. Sure thing,” he said. And with that, they began to pack up their things.


The car ride was uneventful - hiding their clasped hands in the shadows of the backseat (thank GOD for dark jackets and equally dark gloves) and Kevin’s head lolling onto Kibum’s shoulder as the company van made its way to each member’s house.

But now they were at Kibum’s house, freshly showered and curled up under Kibum’s blankets. Kibum felt so good being able to hold Kevin in his arms again. He smiled for what seemed like the millionth time that night when he felt Kevin nuzzle his neck and kiss his chin. He kissed Kevin again, slow and soft, enjoying the smoothness of the younger boy’s lips. He pulled away and let Kevin snuggle up against his chest as he sighed happily.

“Hyung?” called Kevin.


“Should I reply to your tweet?”

Kibum laughed. “Go to sleep, Kevin.”

“Alright, alright,” he conceded.

A few more moments passed before Kevin interrupted the silence again. “Hyung?”

“Yes, Kevin?”

“I love you,” he mumbled. Kibum wrapped his arms tighter around Kevin.

“I love you, too, Kevin. I love you, too…”
And then they let unconsciousness take over.

g: fluff, repost, fandom: u-kiss, r: pg-13, p: kibum/kevin

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