Petty Mistakes

Jun 18, 2010 19:29

Title: Petty Mistakes
Pairing: Kibum/Kevin
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 664
Summary: What happens after Kibum makes a few mistakes during the Mworago comeback performance?
A/N: REPOST FROM OLD ACCOUNT (Originally posted on April 21, 2010 at 8:30 PM)

It was just after U-Kiss’ comeback performance on M!Countdown and Kibum was pissed. He was hot, sweaty, and pissed. He glared at the back of Xander’s head as they all trekked back to the dressing room. How, how, how could he let himself make all those mistakes?! He tried counting to ten as his hands curled themselves into balls.

“Hyung? Are you okay?” came Kevin’s small and tired voice. Kibum glanced up and saw that he, along with the others, were back in the dressing room and he was slumped on the couch. When... when did we get in here, he said to himself, all I remember is the back of Xander hyung’s head.

“Hyung? Hyuu~ung? Is anybody in there?” Kibum came out of his daze and saw that Kevin was now waving a hand in front of him. Behind him, Kibum saw the other members shooting them furtive looks.

“Yea, Binnie, I’m okay.” he finally answered.

“Are you sure, hyung? You, you look…kinda pissed…” Kevin asked as he worried his bottom lip.

Kibum sighed as he let himself sag back on the couch. Rubbing a hand over his face furiously, he let out a troubled groan as it all came back to him. He felt a soft hand on his arm and lowered his hands. A glance up gave him a front row view of a sadfacing Kevin, and Kibum felt his heart break a bit. Once his hands were away from his face, Kevin pulled Kibum into a hug.

“Bummie? Please don’t worry about whatever you're worrying about,” Kevin whispered pleadingly.

Xander coughed and mumbled incoherently, signalling the others to let the couple have their moment.

“I messed up on stage, Kev. The mistakes I made weren't small, and the camera even caught some of them.”

“Hyung," Kevin moved his head to maintain eye contact as Kibum tried to look away. "Hyung it doesn't matter, okay, it doesn't matter. You weren’t able to get sleep last night because you were so worried about today, so of course you’re a bit out of it. All you can do is work harder so that next time you’ll be perfect!”

“But I should’ve been perfect today. I shouldn’t have let myself make those stupid mista--”

Kibum’s rant was cut short as Kevin’s soft lips were pressed against his own. Shocked at first, he let himself relax, deepening the kiss. After what seemed like an eternity, they pulled apart and looked at each other.

“So…what were you mad about again, Bummie?” Kevin asked with a soft caress to the older’s cheek.

“I…" he let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding in. "Damn, Binnie, I can’t even remember.”

“That’s what I was aiming for.” giggled Kevin, his eyes forming crescents. It was at that moment that Kibum remembered why Kevin was called the Smiling Angel. He was about to lean if for another kiss when -

“AUGH!” cried Dongho. The couple looked over at the rest of the group and saw that Xander, Kiseop, Eli, and Soohyun were all on top of Dongho each with one hand over the maknae’s eyes. “Get a room or something you guys! Do you know how much it hurts getting practically slapped on the face, like, ten times?!” He pulled each of his hyungs' hands off of his face and turned to glare at each of the hand’s owners before sending one to the couple he was addressing.

Said couple looked at each other and smiled before running over to Dongho, planting kisses all over the maknae. Everyone laughed as the maknae screeched and tried to get away from the onslaught by running behind Soohyun, who just moved aside and let them continue attack.

Finally, after a little work, Bummie’s mood was back to how it should be. That gave Kevin another reason to smile tonight.

edited 2012/12/18

g: fluff, repost, fandom: u-kiss, r: pg-13, p: kibum/kevin

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