help_japan Auction Prize- caitriona_3

Aug 14, 2011 03:12

Again I am so sorry these took so long :(
10 Doctor Who(all Nine/Rose)drabbles for caitriona_3  . hope you enjoy them!

1. Creature


"What is it, Rose? I'm a little busy realigning the matter reproducer."

"This weird little creature just showed up in my room. Any idea what it is?"

"That's impossible, Rose. Creatures don't just appear in the TARDIS. There are shields and sensors...oh."

"Yeah. How about you explain all that to him because he apparently doesn't understand 'impossible'."

"Well, how did you get here, little one?"

"What is he?"

"A furrli. They're like your Earth cats. Quite intelligent but allow themselves to be kept as pets for all the symbiotic advantages."

"Well I think he's adorable. Can we keep him?"

2. Ice Skating

"I really don't understand why we're doing this, Doctor. It's freezing out here!"

"Come on, Rose, haven't you ever wanted to go ice-skating on a glacier? It's one of the most fun experiences there is."

"No, I can honestly say I haven't. I can't skate, Doctor."

"It's easy. Just hold my hands and I'll show you."

"I don't know..."

"Trust me, Rose. I won't let you fall."

"You promise?"

"I promise. Now let's go."

"Alright. Just go slow."

"Of course. Easy does it... See, Rose? You can skate!"

"I can! Wow this i-ahh! Ouch!"

"Careful. It's slippery."

Rose just glared.

 3. Morning

"Good morning, Rose."

"Morning. Is there tea?"

"A fresh pot on the stove."


"Did you sleep well?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well you seem to be in somewhat of a bad mood."

"Oh? Well you can thank your ship for that. I kept hearing weird noises outside my door."

"What kinds of noises?"

"Banging...things hitting the floor..."

Ah. Well that may have been me. I was rearranging one of the storerooms. I didn't know it was so close to yours."

"How could you not know?"

"Er, the TARDIS sometimes moves rooms."

"Well that explains why I keep getting lost."

4. Potato

"Treasure hunting? Really, Doctor?"

"Certainly, Rose! There are rumored to be countless treasures buried under the ground here."

"What kinds of treasures? Gold? Jewels? Priceless artifacts?"

"Even better. Come over here and I'll show you. I think I found one of them now."

"All right but if this alien dirt ruins my jeans you're buying me a new pair."

"Fair enough. Now look here. Isn't this fantastic?"

"It's a potato, Doctor."

"Very similar but it has much more flavor when it's prepared. One of these can go for millions."

"So they'd make pretty good chips, huh?"

"You have no idea, Rose."

5. Repairs

"So how long are these repairs going to take?"

"It depends."

"Depends on what?"

"On how long you plan on sitting there asking pointless questions."

"Oi, I was just wondering how long it'd be until I could take a shower."

"I'm working on it. It'll be done when it's done."

"Fine. I'll be quiet."

"I can hear you swinging your legs, Rose. Please stop."

"But I'm bored, Doctor! Being stuck in the Vortex in a malfunctioning TARDIS isn't much fun."

"All right, fine. You win. I can do the repairs just as easily on Earth."

"Thank you, Doctor!"

"Anytime, Rose."

6. Robotics

"Rose, what are you doing?"

"Just looking at this cute little robot. Isn't he sweet?"

"Whatever you say, Rose."

"Oh come on, Doctor, you know we don't have many robots back in 2005. An entire planet populated with robots is pretty amazing!"

"And my multi-dimensional ship isn't?"

"Well yeah it is. But you have to admit all these robots are fun to watch!"

"I hate to say it but I've had too many bad experiences with robotics. Daleks...Cybermen...they're all machines."

"Those are evil machines. These aren't. Now come on! Let's go see more of this robotic planet!"

"After you, Rose."

7. Slime

"Tell me again why we're wading through this sewer?"

"For the tenth time, Rose, it's to keep the king's soldiers from sniffing us out. If they found us we'd be dead."

"I'm not the one who called him a dog-faced traitor to his face."

"Well he was. And he called for both of our heads."

"Right. So does this slime have some kind of properties that makes it hard for them to find us?"

"No, the smell is just too strong for their noses."

"So we're just getting covered in slime to hide."


"Well you owe me new shoes."

8. Sunset

"Say, Doctor, where's the best place to see a sunset?"


"We've been cooped up in the TARDIS for weeks now. I want to see a real sunset."

"Well, there's some cliffs on the planet Undar that give a pretty good view of the two suns..."

"No, I mean where's the best sunset you've ever seen? I want to see it."

"I suppose there's one place..."

"Let's go. Right now. I want out of here for a while."

"Sure, Rose."


"This is it?"

"Yep. Best sunset I've seen."

"But...this is Earth."

"This is my favorite planet, Rose. Now watch..."

9. Umbrella

"Rose? What's that?"

"It's an umbrella."

"I know it's an umbrella. Why do you have an umbrella?"

Rose pointed to the monitor. "Because it's raining."

"Oh. Well I can see why you think you'd need it but we don't happen to be on Earth."

"Why does that matter?"

"Different planet, different rules. The rain here is...different."

"How so?"

"Well for one thing, it's not wet."

"How can rain not be wet?"

"Certain molocules in the atmosphere remove all moisture from the rain and leave only the...Rose, are you even listening?"

"Yeah of course. Dry rain. Now let's go see it!"

10. Wiles


"I told you not to go in there, didn't I?"

"And I told you I needed that part for the TARDIS."

"Well, look what it got you. A bloody nose and a black eye."

"I still need that part, Rose."

"I'll get it."

"No. You are not going into that den of ruffians."

"Doctor, I can take care of myself. Just tell what exactly you need."

"A servomotor for a Type 40. But I..."

"I'll be fine. You just stop that big nose of yours from bleeding."


"H-how did you get this, Rose?"

"Womanly wiles, Doctor. Womanly wiles."

fanfiction: drabble, tv: doctor who: rose tyler, tv: doctor who: ninth doctor, help japan auction, fanfiction: dw

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