help_japan Auction Prize- emraldeyedauter

Aug 14, 2011 02:54

I am so so so sorry it took me this long to post these. I have no excuse :(
10 Doctor Who(predominantly Nine/Rose with a bit of Jack thrown in)drabbles for emraldeyedauter . I hope you like them!

1. Clothes

"Doctor? Doctor, where are you?"  Rose called, wandering down yet another TARDIS corridor.

"In here, Rose."

"Finally! This ship of yours is"

"Something wrong?"

"No, It's just...I've never seen this many clothes in one place outside of Henrik's."

The Doctor chuckled and looked over the room. "I suppose it is a lot. I hardly ever use this place anymore. It's more of a good place to think than anything else nowadays."

"But you wear the clothes in here?"

"Yeah every so often."

"Even the dresses?"

"Yes even the...wait, no."

"How about the high heels?"

"Course not. Don't be ridiculous."

2. Cook

"Doctor, what is this stuff?"

"Why? Don't you like it?"

"It's not that I don't like it, it's just...different. What exactly is it?"

"Fried Slitheen."

Rose choked and dropped the piece of food she was holding. "You're not serious."

"Of course not! It's fried fruit from Ausltrle."

"Oh good. And you made it?"

"It isn't very difficult to fry fruit, Rose."

"You'd be surprised how hard it can be for some people to cook," Rose mumbled before taking another bite of the fruit.

The Doctor frowned. "You can't cook, Rose?"

"I can burn water, Doctor."

"That's impossible. I'll teach you."

3. Decisions

Doctor, you know all those Earth television programs that try to show the future?"

"I know of them yes."

"Do any of them come close to what actually happens?"

The Time Lord frowned for a moment. "Some of them come close in ways but none actually show the exact chain of events."

"So no Vulcans or lightsabers?"

"I wouldn't say that. There are many possibilities. It all depends on decisions made by you silly apes."

"You mean the decisions of the important apes?"

"You're all important, Rose. One person's decision can alter the course of history drastically."

"Even mine?"


4. Doctor King

"I don't believe this."

"The Doctor is an actual king. Of...some bizarre planet I've never even heard of."

"Pardon me, but do you know our king?"

"Yeah I've been traveling with him for a while now. Not as long as Rosie here has though."

"So you are his mate then?"

"Don't I wish!"

"Sir, I was speaking to the lady. Would you come with me please?"

"What? But I'm not..."

"Everyone! I have found our queen! Prepare the marriage ceremony!"

"The what?!"

"Don't worry, Rose, I'll leave you two alone, tonight."

“Shut up, Jack!”

“Sheesh, I was just joking!”

5. Dragon

"You've got to be kidding me. We're going to be fed to a what?!"

"A dragon, Rose."

"But...they never existed! They were just some kind of flying dinosaur! Right, Doctor?"

"Actually even though they are related to dinosaurs, they're a completely different species."

"Okay...but how are we going to get out of this one?"

"I honestly have no idea, Rose."

"Well it's all Jack's fault we're in this mess so he'd better come up with something soon!"

"Hey, it's not my fault the chief didn't like me mentioning how lovely his wife was!"

"It was too your fault, Captain Flirtiness!"

6. Driving

"Doctor, do you even have a driving license for this ship?!"

The Doctor smiled and flipped a switch on the TARDIS console "Nope."

"Then how do I know you aren't gonna steer it into a sun or something?"

"You'll just have to trust me. Do you?"

"It's a little scary."

"Everything's a little scary if you think about it, Rose. Life would be pretty boring otherwise."

"I guess you're right."

"If it makes you feel any better I would have gotten my license if it wasn't for my instructor. I passed nearly all the tests."

"Which did you fail?"


7. Mobile

"Doctor, I think something's wrong with my phone."

"What's the matter with it?"

"I can't reach Mum. It won't even dial."

"That's strange." The Doctor carefully opened the backing on the mobile and removed a small device. "Well here's the 
problem. The long-range amplifier wore out. How often have you used the phone?"

Rose flushed. "Once or twice...a day."

"No wonder! Why are you calling so much?"

"I got a little homesick!"

"Why didn't you say something? We can visit whenever you want!"

"You don't mind?"

"Not as long as you keep her away from me."

"I'll do my best!"

8. Piranha

"Aw look at this little guy, Doctor. He's adorable!"

"Adorable and viciously carnivorous, Rose. Better put it down."

Rose immediately set the small furry creature on the ground and apprehensively watched it scurry into the grass. "Why didn't you warn me?"

"Don't worry, it wouldn't have tried to eat you while I'm here. Their species is somewhat cowardly."

"If they're so cowardly how can they be dangerous?"

"They're only cowardly on their own, Rose. Get a group together and they're like the piranha of your planet."

"We'd better get back to the TARDIS then."

The Doctor frowned. "Why...oh. Run, Rose."

9. Reflection

"Rose? Rose, are you all right in there?"

"Don't you dare come in!"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing...everything! Oh I don't know! I'm just having a really bad hair day."

"Let me take a look. Maybe I can help."

"No way. You take one step in here and you'll have a hairbrush right on that big nose of yours!"

"Oi, no need to get insulting!"

"Sorry, I just hate it when this happens."

"Come out, Rose, I promise I won't laugh."

"Fine! Now, you see? It's awful! I look terrible!"

"Don't be silly. You look absolutely perfect. Just like you always do."

10. Sing

"So, Doctor, are there any more hidden talents you've forgotten to tell me about?"

"Hidden talents?"

"You know, like how you hid the fact that you can dance."

"I really have no idea what you're talking about, Rose. I've always been able to dance I merely...forgot for a while."

"How can you forget how to dance?"

"It's relatively easy when you don't do it regularly."

"Huh. You know, you still haven't answered my question."

"I used to be able to sing."

"You can sing?"

"Used to. Now I have no idea."

"Well then, Time Lord, I'll get the karaoke machine!"

fanfiction: drabble, tv: doctor who: captain jack harkness, tv: doctor who: rose tyler, tv: doctor who: ninth doctor, help japan auction, friend: emraldeyedauter, fanfiction: dw

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