*hesitant wave*

Jun 12, 2011 15:54

Erm...hi, LJ. Long time no see.

I do have a excuse for not being around! The Pokemon fandom has pretty much eaten my life. The games, the anime...everything. One good thing has come out of it though. My drawing skills have gotten much better thanks to all the Pokemon I've been sketching out :D

In relation to the help_japan drabbles for emraldeyedauter and caitriona_3, I'm nearly done with them. Blame Pokemon for the delay...I lost a lot of my Who inspiration thanks to it. I promise to post them all before the end of June. If I don't, you two can spam my account with all-caps comments reminding me to get off my butt and do it.

In school related news, I'm on my last week right now. Finals and papers galore. I'm getting through it though thanks and fortunately most of the hardest stuff is now out of the way :)

Well, that's about it. Just figured I should probably check in with a life update. See ya!


tv: doctor who, life: school: finals, life: school, help japan auction, friend: emraldeyedauter, tv: pokemon

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