Life updates...

Aug 14, 2011 22:36

Well. It has been a while, hasn't it LJ? So much happened...too much to fit into one journal entry so I'll just outline the biggest stuff.

1. School. It's been kicking my butt. Really well. I ended up having to take a quarter off after the first one in April to just unwind afterwards. Unfortunately it's frowned on and I ended up having to kind of re-enroll for this quarter. Frakking annoying but at least I'm back in classes. Speaking of which, I'm in a midstart quarter so they cram 11 weeks of classwork into 6 weeks. It's just so much fun! Writing assignment every day...just a blast.

2. Computer issues. My lovely laptop has decided that it doesn't want me using the mousepad when I use it. So my Bamboo tablet has become my mouse. Don't get me wrong, it's nice but a little bit of a hassle to bring along to school and such.

3. Harry Potter. Oh wow. I went to the midnight showing of the last film with oodlycan  and gentakitten  and it was so amazing! The theatre was packed full and the amount of fan cheering nearly deafened me at certain parts. Although, I was pretty loud for certain scenes...

4. Battlestar Galactica. A fantastic show that oodlycan  managed to get me into over the summer. It's just...amazing in so many ways! I've seen all of the new series and I'm slowly working my way through the original. I have to say, Starbuck is definitely my favorite character on both.

5. Art. I have to say, even though I haven't done a lot of writing over the summer my art has definitely exploded. I've even dabbled in t-shirt design a bit :D

6. Doctor Who. Okay. So, who saw that spoiler coming at the end of Series 6 Part 1? I sure didn't! I ended up staring at the screen for around five minutes afterwords just trying to figure it out. Bravo, Steven Moffat, bravo.

Well, I guess that about covers it. I'm glad to finally be back here. I missed you guys :)


life: computer, tv: doctor who, nfa: oodlycan, life: school, nfa: gentakitten, book/film: harry potter

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