My fellow CSI veterans --

Jul 30, 2009 21:32

I'm trying to find a story I read long, looong ago. It was a Mag7/CSI crossover. Nick/Gil and set in the historically accurate timeline of M7. Gil was a professor, Nick his student, blah blah ( Read more... )

em's csi renaissance, csi

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Comments 22

ninasis July 31 2009, 02:49:15 UTC
Nick is kinda my "little black dress" in CSI. I can read him paired with anyone! I can only take Gil paired with Greg...anyone else and it becomes squicky for me for some reason.


janissa11 July 31 2009, 03:17:39 UTC
I am too married to my pairings, really. I love gen, and I love Nick/Gil, and... I can do some Nick/Warrick, definitely, and a bit of Nick/OMC, but that's about as far as I can go. Squicky, yes! No idea why, just not my cuppa, you know?


ninasis July 31 2009, 03:41:32 UTC
No, I completely feel you. Honestly, I've always wished I was a little more consistent in my OTPness, because I'm all over the map from fandom to fandom ( ... )


janissa11 July 31 2009, 03:51:16 UTC
I seem to have this pattern where I'll have an OTP in a given fandom, but can read stories that have one of the OTP characters paired with just about anyone, but the other OTP character is a no-no.

Oh, it does make sense! I'm pretty much the same -- there's a flexible partner and a non-flexible one, usually. Heee!


tigs July 31 2009, 03:14:35 UTC
Is this the Mag7/CSI crossover by any chance?


janissa11 July 31 2009, 03:16:01 UTC
YES IT IS! \o/ Thank you -- I remember it being a very charming story! *HUGS*


tigs July 31 2009, 03:40:24 UTC
Have you ever read her other crossover, set modern day? Vegas Odyssey, I think it's called? I really liked that one. :)


janissa11 July 31 2009, 11:54:24 UTC
I haven't, but now I have it bookmarked. ;D Thank you again!


zillahseye July 31 2009, 07:06:45 UTC


janissa11 July 31 2009, 11:56:48 UTC
*grin* It's weird -- it's been very, very easy to fall back into it. Although frustrating too; I've gotten used to/been spoiled by SPN's glut of fiction, and now am remembering that I came to SPN from a comparatively teeny-tiny fandom. Grrr. WANT MOAR.


eleanor_lavish July 31 2009, 13:51:17 UTC
I'm with Nic on this one and I think it's AWESOME that you're all OMG NICK again! It's seriously making me reread all the old fics I loved, but... yeah. I forgot in the glut of fic in my newer fandoms how relatively BARREN the land of CSI fic was.

And try to find a fic with Brass in it where he's actually SEXY. That is nigh impossible! makes me want to reopen my Gil/Nick/Brass story, just to have SOMETHING THERE.


candymike July 31 2009, 15:23:30 UTC
*sends you cookies to do just that*


elmyraemilie July 31 2009, 21:07:52 UTC
That Roman storyline is, um...tasty. Wonder if I could get away with a minimal amount of research and just do a quickie?


elmyraemilie July 31 2009, 21:09:44 UTC
Because if I have to do research it'll never ever get done.


janissa11 July 31 2009, 21:20:30 UTC
Please! Grab on, pardner!

(And if you wanted to make him a SECRET son of a bigwig, feel free! *g* *HUGS*)


janissa11 August 1 2009, 00:59:20 UTC
Shit, it could be a 'verse. I mean, not to get all grandiose or anything, but people could play there. I...have thought of little else today, honestly. Sorta fleshing it out in my head. What are your thoughts? (Although if you are writing right now? Please to be continuing and ignoring this comment. *g*)


tmtrx August 1 2009, 01:11:18 UTC
How strong is your tolerance for Hodges? The fic I'm thinking of is Sweet and Sour by vicntrx: (link goes to main page)
It pairs him with Nick, is post-GD (a few months, not immediately following), and is mostly from Hodges' point of view. It's been awhile since I read it, but I remember being utterly charmed by it.


janissa11 August 1 2009, 02:25:16 UTC
Ooh! I actually, erm, made him very misguided in a story ages past -- but I quite like him usually. Heee! Thank you for the link!!


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