My fellow CSI veterans --

Jul 30, 2009 21:32

I'm trying to find a story I read long, looong ago. It was a Mag7/CSI crossover. Nick/Gil and set in the historically accurate timeline of M7. Gil was a professor, Nick his student, blah blah.

Annnnyone remember this? I can't remember title, author, or location where I found it. It was two computers ago, so no chance of having saved it. I just remember enjoying it.

And as much as I like me a bottom!Nicky.... I'd like to read a Roman AU where Nick is NOT the slave. Like, one where he is the son of a Senator bigwig, only doesn't particularly care for that life and is our gallant want-to-do-good Nicky. Or if he IS a slave, he's not happy about it. (I think I will never get away from liking a topping-from-below!Nick. He IS a bottom, but he's not...a milquetoast. You know?)

Still not liking Nick/Greg, which cuts down my reading options. Not that I don't like GREG, just strongly prefer Nicky with Gil. Duh. (My favorite Greggo in the world is in evan_nicholas's Nicky stories. Talk about awesome.)

So I've been reading all I can get my hands on, which -- since I've been spoiled by SPN fandom and its absolutely mind-boggling amount of excellent fiction -- isn't nearly as much as I wish.

::fidgets:: I got the I-wants SO BAD. NICKYYYYY.

em's csi renaissance, csi

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