supernatural 7x03 'the girl next door'

Oct 08, 2011 21:34

1. I only have a couple of things to say about this.

This is one:

I mean, seriously? Show, it's very nice, so very nice, that you finally acknowledge what I've been saying for a year, but apart from that, eeeh. Okay, in order.

2. I actually liked this a lot until the end. It also taught me for good that SPN writers = uber trolls, because after last week's cliffhanger I wasn't expecting them to escape that hospital in like the first five minutes, but then again if they had actually STAYED there it'd have been a goddamn problem.

Also, a leg doesn't take three weeks to heal from a fracture like that, and any place where they didn't sedate Dean before setting the leg would have been sued for malpractice in RL, but whatever, I'll suspend belief as usual. XD

3. TINY!SAM!! <333 Colin Ford is good, dammit. And I kind of loved his little love story there. And when he like beat up all the thugs on his own. Gooo Sam. I also liked Amy - it's actually nice to see some not-so-black-and-white MOTWs.

4. And here we get to the Do Not Like, which was sadly enough to shadow the Do Like, and there was a lot of it until the last three minutes.

Meaning: WHAT WAS THAT ENDING. Let's say that I buy that he's quietly gone off the rails while doing his repressing business (even if it be the same as admitting that I had an idea of Cas going darkside before 6x19, which was totally not given, or at least not clearly) and he kills her even if he hasn't done a thing like that since S2. But what makes me go like OOC is that the WAY he did it was... stupid. I do realize that it'd have been nasty, but leaving the kid alive when HE HAS JUST KILLED HIS MOTHER aka the person who made sure that he got fed with dead things and didn't have to go kill others? He can be off the rails, but if there's one thing that Dean would never do is do such a stupid thing while on a job. Of all the not so good things Dean can be (including that he never puts himself on others's shoes, or when he does it, it's not as often as he should), dumb when it comes to dealing with monsters is NOT one of them. He's not an idiot as a general rule unless we're counting that he still thinks that repressing shit is going to work and that he's emotionally constipated, but leaving the kid alive in that situation was stupid considering that he has a) just showed the kid that Not Behaving Like a Monster gains you nothing, b) took away from him the person who made sure he didn't kill people or ate living people, c) took for granted that 'I have a place to go' thing. That isn't even an answer - maybe the kid goes with another bunch of relatives who have no quibbles about eating people and it all goes to hell. I don't even get it. Which is what is giving me the wtf vibes. I don't doubt that he's capable of doing a 100% reprehensible thing like that, but the means felt completely off. If they have to go there, I want to buy it. I already had enough problems with buying how they went from 6x20 to 6x22, I don't need to have them all over again.

And yes, that was harsh but it totally ended up being a bummer for the entire thing. The fact that they're acknowledging that Dean is Beatrix Kiddo totally made me go OMG OMG FLAIL OMG FLAIL, but it doesn't change that I can't really buy that scene 100%.

I should probably rant on me wishing that in the last three seasons this show hadn't forgotten that John Winchester post-Matt Cohen wasn't a 100% bastard with absolutely no redeeming quality (he had one - look at how he died), but that's for another time.

5. That said, Jensen looked so very lovely. And he's pretty damn good at directing. He should do it more often than one ep each season. And I appreciated that speech of Sam's where he went and told Dean to just deal with the fact that normal isn't his thing. Literally. I just hope he never finds out that Dean killed Amy. Blah. And I was thinking that we were done with the mistrust and the both of them keeping stuff from each other.


7. In short: I seriously hope that next episode happens something that makes me buy the last scene, I do love that Dean is Beatrix IN CANON, BECAUSE THAT'S CANON AND END OF STORY, and I'd have liked it and I get the point but I don't like how they're doing it. But Jensen should def. direct more. Also, cheesy Leviathan effects were cheesy, but OMG WHUT THOSE THINGS ARE SMART and they're actually tracking aliases down? Geez. They're in for a ride, aren't they.

8. Now I can hope that the Leviathans kidnap Sam and try to kill Dean, Dean survives against all odds, he gets himself a Hattori Hanzo sword which CAN OBVIOUSLY KILL ANYONE, Bobby teaches him the five fingers exploding technique or how the heck it was named, I can't recall at the moment, which OBVIOUSLY WORKS FOR ALL THE MONSTERS, and then he meets boss!Leviathan who's wearing Cas's body. And then suddenly Cas resurfaces and he's like DEAN JUST DO IT BECAUSE YOU CAN KILL THIS IF I AM IN CONTROL and there's a very teary scene and Dean thinks he killed Cas, then Cas wakes up again because Dean only killed the Leviathans, Sam is fine and TFW is back again. Yes, I just mishmashed everything with Kill Bill and yes, Tarantino would probably shoot me since it defies the entire point of that movie. WHATEVER. Obviously the black-haired leviathan is Budd and dr. Sexy!Leviathan is Elle Driver.

9. Sorry, I guess that all the Kill Bill stuff obviously made me forget everything else.

supernatural season 7 review

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