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Comments 22

888mph October 8 2011, 19:40:22 UTC
*drops to one knee*

Seriously, stop it! You're making me look creepy.


janie_tangerine October 8 2011, 19:43:18 UTC
OMG THAT'S SUCH A LOVELY RING <333333333333333 *___* *bats eyelashes and swoons* ♥ I need to find myself a dress. Let's just avoid small churches in the desert though. ;)

Lol sorry but I'm keeping on doing it until I run out of scenes to photoshop. ;)


kros_21 October 8 2011, 19:45:00 UTC
LMAO!!! that pic sums it up perfectly. XD


janie_tangerine October 8 2011, 20:16:17 UTC


cassiopeia7 October 8 2011, 19:51:12 UTC
I have been lurking, lying in wait for you to post. And I agree with it all -- the quick-healing bone stuff, the Dean-shoulda-killed-that-kid stuff, the beautiful-Jensen stuff . . . all of it. (And I especially love #8.)

Your visual of the SPN/Kill Bill connection is THE MOST PERFECT THING EVER. Thank you!!!! &hearts&hearts&hearts&hearts


*sighs happily* It was beautiful, wasn't it?

Jensen should def. direct more. SO MUCH THIS.


janie_tangerine October 8 2011, 20:23:27 UTC
Lol it took me more than usual because a) I have classes in the mornings (TRAVESTY) and I had to come up with that photoshopped thing but clearly I had to cap the KB stuff, but much glad that it was worth the wait. ;)

(I'm so seriously tempted to write eight. The Tarantino worshipper in me says that if I did it I'd totally miss the point of the movie itself, but eeee. IT'S BEEN NAGGING AT ME.)

And heeee no problem! :D I've been blathering about the SPN/Kill Bill thing since that part in S6 where the truth goddess was telling Dean that he was a killer bee regardless of how many barbecues he could cook, but seeing that SO BLATANTLY VALIDATED... I had to do the graphic. ;)

That bit was glorious.



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janie_tangerine October 8 2011, 20:29:12 UTC
I know? It just reeked of doing it half-assed, and the one thing I will never buy about Dean is that he goes on a hunt half-assed. End of story. Not killing the kid was idiotic, from that side (not that I wanted the poor thing dead, lol) and damn, if you kill his mom and then DON'T KILL HIM you just don't let it go like that. I get what they wanted to do but... really, no. Just no. I also think it was more Dean projecting his paranoia on that poor girl, but yeah idek. I'm not even not disliking this season as a whole until now (most of my issues are with Sera's PR skills and with people who can't stop complaining because people miss Cas - just don't do that, okay) but I just hope that the writing isn't all like this ( ... )


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janie_tangerine October 8 2011, 20:54:24 UTC
Yeah he should be like OMG BRAIN DAMAGE by this point.

Wait I explained it wrong. XD I'm complaining about category of fans A who are all like 'OMG SHOW IS AWESOME AGAIN' and say that category B (aka people who actually like Cas) should stop being pathetic because he's not in there anymore, mostly because the basic idea is 'since we're back to the Sam and Dean and once in a while Bobby show things are all sunshine and rainbows and UGH DNW'. I really don't mind Cas being supposedly dead right now (I'll mind if he's really dead because that was a pretty crappy way to go, but I have time until May), but I mind that someone tells me that I'm pathetic because he's my favorite character and I like it better when he's around. I mean, I've read that 'some Castiel fans are seriously vomit-inducing' and... really? My favorite not being Sam or Dean doesn't make me less of a fan and I get that impression whenever I read that kind of thing. :(


morganlucas41 October 8 2011, 21:54:49 UTC
I definitely agree with you re: John. I mean, since when did he have a drinking problem? It seems like the show has definitely vilified John way more since he's been dead, which I don't really get, but whatever... :/

Yes, Jensen was lovely :) And excellent at the directing too :)

Dean not killing the kid...hmmmm. You definitely raise a good point and one that's been bothering me. I thought Dean killing the monster made sense for him...he's always seen monsters as black-and-white evil, and killed them as such. I'd hoped he'd moved on from that but maybe not. And the whole "people can't change" thing...thinking that monsters will always kill no matter what. But...the kid. That's definitely a valid point. I guess they just didn't want to show Dean stabbing some random kid, but when you think about it, that IS sloppy plot-wise. Hmmmm. I don't like it.

Loved reading your thoughts as usual! :)


janie_tangerine October 8 2011, 22:38:24 UTC
It seems like the show has definitely vilified John way more since he's been deadTHIS. At least someone else agrees with me here. ;) Just, idk and I don't get it. I'm not going to argue that John was a crappy dad and that Bobby is a better parent to them in the strict sense, but from them to imply that he had a drinking problem so bad that he actually beat Sam up? HOW? That's not... I don't even get it. You can't argue that he loved his sons since oh wait he actually made a deal with the demon he swore to kill TO SAVE DEAN, and they could have said it ages ago if he was that kind of bad. (Also I can't buy that Dean would have ever liked his dad that much if that ever happened). Idk ( ... )


morganlucas41 October 9 2011, 06:33:40 UTC
Yeah, you're right. That line about John's drinking really came out of nowhere...and Dean would definitely not have been such a "blind follower" of John had John hurt Sam. Totally random and I don't really get it :( Poor dead John, lol.

Jensen definitely gets better with age ;) :)

Agree on the means re: Dean not killing the kid. Really, that whole plot was kind of sloppy (I mean did the kid really have to be RIGHT there in the doorway?). Meh. They definitely could have handled that better.


janie_tangerine October 9 2011, 09:11:55 UTC
I know? It was so odd. I can't buy that Dean wouldn't have just taken Sam and run if it came to THAT. One would think that considering how he died at least they'd be a tad more fair to him..

Indeed. *licks lips*

Yeah it felt as if they had no idea what they were doing even if I understood what they meant to imply. :/


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