birthday + six feet under s4 + MISHA!

Feb 09, 2011 20:35

Or, random huge-ass post of random.

1. Happy birthday to missy_useless!! ♥ ♥ I hope that you're having the most amazing day/time and that next year is utterly awesome for you. :D and if you want to throw me a prompt I can see if something comes out of it. ;) Meanwhile happy birthday again!

2. So everyone in SPN fandom knows about Misha sending out puzzle pieces because he couldn't send real rhino meat to people, y/y? (That man is crazy.) Well, mine got in yesterday! :D I was so sure that I had screwed something up. Or well, since he/his PA added something like five stamps I had probably gotten the stamps wrong, but whatever, it arrived in spite of the suckiness of the Italian postal service, which makes me very happy indeed. Anyone on my fl on team five as well? *looks around*

3. Aaaand *drum roll* after a year because clearly my uncle screwed up with gifting me dvds, I'm done with Six Feet Under S4! I started S5 as well but before the whole thing becomes a blur in my mind I'll just write down my S4 impressions and S5 will come in a couple of days. Seriously it's taken me such a ridiculous time to finish this..

Okay so this season was basically a mindfuck. Not in the Lost sense, but seriously I was mostly like 'WHAT? O_________O' for half of it. But I'd say let's go with a list.

- David is still my favorite. Also 4x05 (or, the episode with the crazy guy pointing a guy in his mouth) is officially the most upsetting hour of television I ever saw in my whole life if you don't count Boone dying. Just. I felt physically sick after watching that episode. X___X *hugs David* also i appreciated that he remained traumatized until the end of the season. I like it when traumatizing stuff stays traumatizing and people don't forget about it after two episodes.

- David/Keith is still mostly awesome. I just - I love how far they came from S1 to now. <333 and I like that it isn't still perfect but they still work because they're basically perfect for each other, aw.

- Ruth/George is weird. I just - I like it but I want to smack the both of them because they take everything from the wrong angle.

- Ruth and Bettina going to Mexico was the most amazing thing ever though. XD also Bettina is still awesomeness incarnated.


- Rico was such an ass this season, ugh. I still was forgiving him for his homophobic remarks and then he goes and has that whole story with the stripper and then he's like 'it's your fault if I slept with her?' at Vanessa? Seriously? In the end he did redeem himself slightly but I spent half of the season wanting to smack him.

- Nate I liked you this round. I think he had a pretty good arc and also Peter Krause you have some acting chops. The ending of the premiere was making me feel his grief, whut.

- Nate/Brenda still remains the best het ship out of the bunch. Even though I had liked the whole thing between Brenda and Joe before it, well, ended like that. Brenda's mom is still the most irritating person to ever grace a tv screen though. X_X

- I did like Claire's arc too even though it's not the one I'm most interested in. I liked that thing with Edie though, as bad as it ended. Though ugh if next season she behaves like in the S4 finale all the time we're gonna have problems...

- So wait Lisa was killed by her brother-in-law or at least he was there when she died? WHAT WAS THAT? I swear I spent that entire part with my jaw touching the ground, I wasn't expecting that to happen. (Though the little girl with the crush on David was totally the only redeeming member of Lisa's family if you ask me..)

- Best funeral of the round: the one of the nerd guy who wanted to be buried with his comic book. Mostly because I could sort of get it. *cough* but that whole bit with George stopping one of his two friends who wanted to steal the thing and then bumping fists with Nate was kind of seriously hilarious. Second-best: the guy who drove himself to the funeral home, because it was totally out of the norm and then the funeral itself seemed to be as happy as a funeral gets and idk but it was a pretty good one (and it was a damn good episode). While I seriously felt bad for the guy who got stuck in the elevator (ewww!) and the poor guy who lost all of his family in the same accident ;___;

- The last scene of the season finale was perfection. It was not even that many lines but they packed a punch. And the shooting itself was gorgeous. I realized where it was going as soon as mr Fisher senior showed up but he was the most suited one to deliver that speech to David (who probably needed it). Then again the show itself works because they nail the way to talk about death and/or life and/or pain without it getting too much or too little or out of line and just, it was such a perfect way to close that season.

Now I'm on to S5. Oh dear I'm not sure I want it to end but then again I've been watching this show since my first year of university, it's high time I actually finish it...

4. Quick movie recs post: The King's Speech is an excellent movie and deserves all the awards it gets (and the acting is amazing. Everyone's acting actually. I'm so glad I caught it not dubbed..). I sadly haven't managed to watch any other Oscar nominated movie since none of the others is out here yet. *siiigh* on the other hand, I don't know what were the judges at the Rome Film Festival on when all of them at once decided that Kill Me Please deserved to win, but it was one of the most confusing movies I've ever seen. And not because it was too complex, but because you really don't get what the heck is the point of it. Or at least I haven't. I'm still asking myself what the heck was the point of the whole thing.

5. I don't have pictures of the Adler's Appetite concert I attended with _izu_ and marlonob last week (though I will have them, as soon as they're sent over to me), but, for GNR savvy people, I glomped Steven Adler. I might have picture proof of at least hugging him (the glomping wasn't recorded, thankfully). It made me a very happy person.

6. Uhm, sadly this is all for now. And uhm, this was indeed so random.

stuff, movie recs, six feet under, the random post, misha collins is too awesome for us, guns n' roses, birthday

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