the vampire porn 2x14 'crying wolf'

Feb 11, 2011 13:45

... or how idek what but this show manages to make happen everything I want to happen. Wtf.


2. That said, Stefan/Elena are still the most adorable thing in the history of adorbs. I want to squish them together and jesus but idk how they manage not to be sickeningly sweet. Maybe because he's a bamf and she's too. Because I mean, Elena dealing with that idiotic werewolf? That was BADASS. And Stefan killing him in that jacket was even moar badass.

3. DAMON/ALARIC IS BACK WITH FORCE. OH MY SHIP I HAD MISSED YOUR BFFNESS. I mean. They went to HAVE TEA TOGETHER! They bonded over hating John Gilbert! They were in dangerous times together! Damon was totally checking whether Alaric was resurrecting or not even while tied in chains to a chair! (Also Damon takes torturing in a way more badass way than Mason ever did, sorry.) And then they stay together and pick up pieces after! And they banter like a married old couple! Oh, ship. <33333333333 damn I might need to start shipping Damon/Alaric/Jenna now, because she's fieerrcee as well. And I don't want John Gilbert to ruin it. :(((

4. Btw, Damon, you're badass even when people are trying to pwn you. <333333333

5. The werewolves can go fuck off except for Tyler who redeemed himself (partly). But I so did want to smack him for good this round.


7. And well Tyler did redeem himself a bit when he gave Matt sane relationship advice. I can see why he'd go and Jules alone is probably better than Jules + the other bunch of idiots, but tbh I just want the wolves gone and Tyler to have a nice interspecies threesome with Matt and Caroline. Also hopefully now Matt will have something to do? *hopes* Still he still has way to do before I'm okay with him again.

8. So. Uhm. I was kiiinda rooting for Jeremy/Bonnie. It. Was. Awesome. I know, I know, it's random and wtf and out of the blue BUT THEY'RE ADORABLE also because they're mismatched and she's older than he is and I like unconventional ships. And so I was so squeeing when they kissed, bless them. ♥

9. Also I'm kinda liking Elijah and his (according to Ric) awesome hair. I'm just sad that he'll turn out to be a Very Bad Guy in the end but I still like him enough. Especially since he saved Damon's ass there, lol. And he owned all those idiotic wolves. *glares at them*

10. In conclusion this show makes me so happy. I don't know when it became this awesome but I just really enjoy it so much. It might also be that I expect zilch from it, but I just love that since they went past the first half of S1 it just got better. Aaaah show I can't even say you're my guilty pleasure anymore since I enjoy you totally and I'm not even ashamed to admit it. <333

11. And that was probably all. Now let's see if I can manage to write some fic today, hopefully..

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