the tv post wherein I give spn + vporn reviews and talk about all the tv I watched this month.

Feb 05, 2011 23:31

Or, this be my huge tv talking post of the month, and since I need to talk about SPN and the vampire pornography too, let's have everything here. Premise: I watched a damn lot TV, so there'll be general talking about entire seasons, oh my. I'll try not to rant for ages though. ;) Therefore, there you get Janie's thoughts on:

1. I watched this one in January though I had seen the first episode with toestastegood and itsjustc at the ELF, but then it was like 10.30 PM and I had been up since six in the morning and I kinda had nodded off anytime that Rupert Graves wasn't on screen. /hides Anyway I'd have picked it up again if only because Rupert Graves is in it. xD Anyway, general review: I think it's an awesome show. I can't shake off the feeling that it feels a bit like some Holmes AU fanfic scenario (then again I was obsessed with the books, I'll never not think that of any adaptation that isn't following canon anyway XD) but hey, in case, it's excellent AU fanfic. ;) I really liked how they adapted it to modern times and how they kept or updated canon. It's also a very clever show, which I can totally appreciate. Also I liked a lot that the characters are perfectly recognizable (like, I think that they totally nailed a possible 21st century Holmes) but that at the same time they're their own thing as well. It's a really well-thought blend. Also I died gleeing at how they were reworking the actual cases while keeping canon details. The only problem I have with it is that the ending was a complete cheat and that if they had another episode or so for Moriarty to pop up at random some more it'd have worked better. I mean, apart that I have a bad relationships with cliffhangers, the Moriarty reveal felt kind of wtf in the sense of 'wait where did I even see this guy - oh right he was for one minute in episode two'. If he had popped up a bit more it'd have felt more organic if you ask me, but that's the only quibble I have with it. Anyway, as pretty much everyone would have probably guessed, my favorite is Lestrade. I never was too big on him in the books but I absolutely love to pieces how they updated the character and that they actually gave him and Sherlock a totally explorable backstory, and well, the fact that I'd totally do Rupert Graves in a heartbeat doesn't hurt either. xD

Now, point that will probably have a bunch of people going wtf at me and would probably end up being good for that unpopular opinions meme: I don't find either of the leads attractive in the 'OMG HOT' sense. They're both totally nailing their roles, but none of them clicks for me in that sense. (Though I'd love to have tea and a nice long talk with Benedict Cumberbatch. He has a lovely voice.) Which also sadly means that I can't really do Sherlock/John in a sense that isn't platonic, which feels utterly weird since I've done Holmes/Watson since before I knew what slashing meant. The fact that I realized that I shipped Sherlock/Lestrade ended up being a massive weirding out moment. It also meant less fic to catch up with on weekends with nothing to do though. It will also mean that I probably won't do much fandom-wise, but I already have enough stuff on my table anyway. (These are probably the famous last words, but whatever.) So, overall, excellent show which I'll be watching next year. I doubt I'll do much for it fandom-wise and of that 100% will be Lestrade-oriented, probably, but heck, if I didn't like an underused character it wouldn't be me. xD Btw. If anyone has recs or something I'll be glad to have them.

2. I had to temporarily drop this because I didn't have time for a show this long while writing the damned thesis, but I finally caught up and DAMN WHY DID I EVER HAVE TO DROP IT. The first four episodes were slow-building but crap if it didn't pick up at five. And then my only comment is wow. I just, the last half of the season completely blew me away, and for once everything I hoped would happen happened. Wtf? It's too good. Anyway, I mostly loved the fact that they have characters so well written that even if you want to dislike them 100% you can't. (Or well, I had ambivalent feelings towards Van Alden going from 'oh god quit it with the religious nutcase talking' to 'well I might actually like you' until he killed his stupid colleague, which I didn't even like, but that was way too fucked. XD And while I don't like Van Halden and I positively hated Lucy I actually went like 'OMG AWESOME' at that ending twist, and at the bare fact that they got together at all). I mean, I like Jimmy half of the time and want to slap him the other half, but I have the same relationship with pretty much all the main cast except Chalky, who's just too awesome for wanting to slap him. Also god the acting is so good. And the settings are so well done. I love myself a show with good sets and costumes and atmosphere. I'm pretty much in love with everyone's storylines really. My favorites are definitely Nucky, Chalky, Margaret and Richard, and re the storylines I was very much fond (apart from the general Nucky story arc, but I guess it's a given) of the one with Jimmy's wife (and I liked that they reconciled in the end), the whole Jimmy/Richard friendship/possibly slash potential that reminds me way too much of Dean/Castiel for obvious reasons *cough* whorehouse *cough*, anything involving Chalky (btw, hi actor who was Omar from The Wire! As soon as I finish SFU I'm finishing your show as well, don't worry..), Margaret's own storyline (or: while I might have shipping interests, I appreciate a female character who gets a good arc where she goes from point A to B and has an actual evolution while keeping her brains intact) and most of the stuff happening in Chicago. As stated, Van Alden makes me crazy because I hate religious crazies but I like the idea of the character, so I guess I'll see how it goes in S2. He isn't even the kind of character I love to hate (IE: Al from Deadwood) because he doesn't have much redeeming qualities, except that he isn't really a bad person. Ah well, I like having mixed feelings I guess. My favorite episodes are probably 5, 7, 9 and the finale, but I loved it all. And now I need to wait for October for it to start again? *weeps*

3. Or: at Christmas I was surfing the tv while feeling like crap, I tuned into Leverage which was on Italian tv, Mark Sheppard showed up, it looked like fun and I figured I'd give it a shot since lately while Chuck has been awesome it's been more angst/serious than else when Jeffster is not concerned and I need a fun show. And one that airs in the summer, since I'm out of summer shows. And I loved it! :D Apart from a number of episodes whose plot I didn't exactly care for and mostly left me underwhelmed it was absolutely a blast/delicious/fun and I can't wait to watch it properly when S4 starts again. I like the fun/serious balance and I love everyone in the team. I'm not even picking favorites this round, I go pretty much like 'OMG LOVE' at everyone at some point, so I'll just state that my only clear preference is that I totally ship Eliot/Parker/Hardison to death. xD Also I liked all seasons pretty much equally, which rarely happens with me. But really, there wasn't one I enjoyed less. Also Mark Sheppard was awesome in it. <3 My favorite eps are definitely The Rashomon Job which was all kinds of genius, The Studio Job, that one in S1 where they went freeing kids in the orphanage, that other S1 ep where they dealed with the boss' daughter's wedding, the one which I think was in S2 when Hardison stopped the plane from crashing, the one where Parker ended up in the psychiatric institusion and The Bottle Job [oh and the Gone Fishing job as well], but I thoroughly enjoyed the show. The only thing I hated was that in S3 they had the (in)decency to cast Elisabetta Canalis who's been on my tv screens (Italian tv screens) since I was eleven and who can't act worth a dime in Italian as well, and not only in English. Ugh. I mean, I've been having proof of the fact that she can't for ten years, I didn't need to see her face semi-regularly. *sigh* Anyway, most definitely a keeper. :D

4. Joined review because last week for some reason I didn't manage to do it, list style:

- DAMON I WANT TO HUG YOU. Also I'll be glad to have sex in your tub as well. *siiiigh* No seriously, I just love what they're doing with him lately. Last scene during last week's episode broke my heart. And I actually cried for real when Rose died, wtf is up with me? And I liked the snark this week, and that scene in the bath because heck it was actual character development even if he was having sex, and his attitude and everything and just, DAMON ILU.

- DAVID ANDERS IS BACK! \o/ and he has dark shit to hide! I like.

- Alaric, there needs to be moar of you, but I'll always love that you call Damon before everyone else. <3

- Jenna is half clued in! Yay! Now fill her in, fill Matt in too and we can all be happy.

- Jeremy/Bonnie is still random but keeps on being so adorable that I want to squish them. Wtf.

- Caroline I love you to pieces and I actually ached for you this week. ;________;

- Tyler: I get you, but srsly, torturing? That = not okay even if she lied to you. You deserved that scolding. Btw, don't stick with the other wolves, thanks, me.

- Jules and friend: gtfo my show, thanks.

- STEFAN HOW SO ADORABLE. I just. Idek when I started being all OMG STEFAN as well but this week I wanted to hug him all of the time. xD also when he brought all the girls over at Caroline's = <333333333. I'd still do your brother rather than you but ilu too.

- Okay. I'll admit it for good: I ship Stefan/Elena way too hard for me to be sane. But. THEY'RE ADORABLE. Dark side, please give me the cookies I deserve for shipping the main het couple.

- WTF IS JOHN PLOTTING WITH ISOBEL AND KATHERINE ANYWAY? Show I <3 that you always throw new stuff at people every time.

- Damon and Stefan almost single-handedly taking all the wolves was some of the most badass stuff seen in this show.

- I forgot whatever else I had to say, but whatever. Show, keep on being awesome and making me happy.

5. Okay, so, no bullet points because otherwise this'd become way too much of a clusterfuck, but: GOD SHOW I LOVE YOU.

This probably won't make much sense because I've been pretty much enjoying this season - I might have had my problems but it's not like I ever thought that the show got bad - but this episode made me realize that I hadn't really enjoyed SPN this much since the Bobby episode, I think. I just - SAM I CAN LOVE YOU AGAIN. As soon as the Sam/Dean hug happened I just started making heart-shaped eyes at everything (and at Sam). Also Jared you can act - woah. Anyway, let's go briefly by points that are not of the bullet kind. xD

Sam: BABY I LOVE YOU AGAIN. Jesus I had missed his resouled face. (Also I knew that sticking with liking Sam pays off most times. XD) I just - he hugged Dean. He hugged Bobby. He cared about shit. He was smart while being reasonable. In the end he wasn't pissed off at Dean even if he made his point (which I appreciated a lot). Also his hurt face whenever Bobby slammed the phone in his face was priceless, poor baby. Also I died when he was all like 'OMG I KILLED YOU AND CAS' in the beginning but then went like 'OMG CAS IS ALIVE? <333'. Just. That was. SO CUTE. Tho the only thing I didn't like about Sam in this ep is Cas-related, but more on the Cas part. xD

Dean: baby, I get you, but ugh, why shoving always shit under a rug? I'm just glad that Sam came clean with him in the end because if it had dragged on for more than two eps it'd have been a bad fallout. But. DEAN BEING ALL LIKE 'OMG :DDDD' AT SAM BEING SAM. And 'who likes virgins and gold?' 'P. Diddy' -> I DIED. XD Seriously Dean never change. Except when it comes to talking about your feelings. And LOL at the scene where he didn't manage to take the sword out of the stone. XD

Bobby: thanks for being always awesome. Also I can't blame him for not being that excited at being all friendly with Sam like he didn't try to kill him the day before. Also Bobby eating dinner alone when Dean shut the phone at him kind of made me go ;________;. He needs more company.

Cas: BABY WHY JUST TWO SCENES. Okay no it wasn't a lot but it was worth it. The one with Dean was pretty much spot-on ('I'm not a human doctor' -> CAS NEVER CHANGE) and tbh the scolding was kind of deserved. And with Sam he was just - PRECIOUS. SO PRECIOUS. AND HE WANTED TO HUG SAM. HE ACTUALLY WAS ABOUT TO DO IT. Yeah, as everyone guessed the only thing I'm pissed at Sam for is that he didn't hug the angel, damn him. I mean, WE WERE ABOUT TO GET A CAS HUG AFTER THREE SEASONS *headdesk* at this point I vouch for Bobby to do it. Anyway I also appreciated that Cas clued Sam in and didn't apparently try to sugar-coat stuff too much. Oh god I HAVE THE SAM/CAS BFFs THING BACK. <333

Plot: for crack on a stick, it was actually pretty awesome. O__O Also in the end we basically had the monster to create all monsters? Woah. And we thought the devil was hard to beat. Surely they have big plans. If only the CGI was better. /sarcasm anyway, I ended up really enjoying the whole plot as well, regardless of Sam being resouled or not. But yeah, this show definitely works better with Sam being SAM, you know. This one goes in my S5 top five for sure. <3

Okay, that's it. Phew. It was HARD. Now, plan for February: SFU S4 and S5, Justified and Treme. Let's see if I manage. Also because I'm sure I'll like both Treme and Justified when I manage to see them.

tv shows, i am way crazy, leverage is happy stuff, supernatural season 6 review, boardwalk empire is awesome, sherlock bbc featuring rupert graves, vampire pornography s2 review

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