birthday + meme + random = very quick entry

Feb 01, 2011 18:38

1. Happy birthday to hitlikehammers! :D I hope you're having an amazing day and that your next year is as awesome as you deserve. <3 and if you want to throw a prompt my way I'll see what I can do. <3

2. I probably won't be much around until Friday since marlonob and _izu_ are coming over and we're all happily going to see Steven Adler giving an almost-free concert here on Thursday. :D (Which makes another GNR member I get to see - I'm still lacking Slash and Izzy and Axl of the original ones, but about the third I doubt it'll ever happen, ugh.) I'll try to check the fl though.

3. Eric Kripke isn't attending JIB anymore, which made me sad as I read it. Then I realized that Chad Lindberg was replacing him and my reaction was squeeing to the umpteenth degree because I mean, if I get to see him I pretty much got to meet everyone from the SPN cast I'd ever wanted to meet. \o/ I'm probably in the minority being utterly overjoyed about it but.. IT'S MY FAVORITE AFTER MISHA DAMMIT. :DDD god I can't wait for April.

4. I'm catching up with Boardwalk Empire and I'll be pretty much done within the week. Expect a huge tv-related post by then because I'll have a lot of tv to talk about, considering all the catching up I did lately. Heck, I can't believe I watched all the tv I watched in one month. Not having university to deal with makes wonders with my total failures at catching up with shows.

5. Since this entry is mostly squeeage and random, let's have a meme stolen from everyone.

My het OTP:
My slash OTP:
My femslash OTP:
My endgame OTP:
My original OTP:
My crack OTP:
My guilty pleasure OTP:
My anti-OTP:

fandoms: Lost, SPN, Dark Tower [most Stephen King books would be game as well], Deadwood, The Vampire Diaries, Firefly, Friday Night Lights (S1-2, I need to catch up with it) Six Feet Under (S1-3, I still need to check the last two), Boardwalk Empire (I think I can do it with what I have for now), Chuck, Sherlock (BBC), Leverage, the Three Musketeers, Watchmen are sure bets. If there's something you know I like go for it.

stuff, meme, jus in bello con, personal, birthday

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