Lost 6x09 'Ab Aeterno'

Mar 24, 2010 14:42

Okay, this is the serious reaction post. Sadly I can't do team CTRL+ALT+CANC. :(

spoilers )

bold_seer is my lj tag twin, lost season 6 review, everything relates to supernatural

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Comments 34

inthekeyofd March 24 2010, 14:11:26 UTC
i think the first isabella may have been smokey, but the second one, no, hey maybe it was even jacob, but i'm guessing it was isabella--that scene killed me ( ... )


janie_tangerine March 24 2010, 18:24:08 UTC
I'm 99% sure that the first was Smokey. The second couldn't have been though since she said that Richard shouldn't have gone with him and well, Hurley was talking to her so she was obv. dead. Still. Good scene!

Purgatory was sort of the obvious answer and yeah, I think it's why they changed the cards and went along with all the craziness.

Well, in THEORY it does rule out the devil, but then again Jacob doesn't look too dead to me, at least unless someone else takes his place. So duh. Who knows. I figure that if they're doing all this fuss they COULD die, but.. duh.

Nice theory about the babies! Even if ouch, ARGH, DO NO HARM. ;_________; though people usually die before they even get to delivery, so... ideeeeek.

Word on heads hurting.

but I will say, if they are the devil, makes my theory that sam is actually aaron's father much more plausible because I swear this is one big spn crossover. :)



elliotsmelliot March 24 2010, 14:29:52 UTC
Nestor Carbonell CAN ACT. Also, the Spanish was hot. Richard generally was. Especially when in chains. And especially when utterly desperate, awwwww.

I'm only withstanding S6 because of the cast. Sure Richard is hot, but it helps that he can act too. If I only had ever seen this episode of Lost, I would have been so drawn to his journey by his performance and say, I want MOAR!

Last burning question: where the fuck is Vincent?

In a Richard story I never finished, I had his only island companion be a golden lab.

I feel that Silus is on the island because Al sent him there. He must be lonelywithout Johnny, Dan and Wu!

I forgot to put it in my review but did the seen with Silas and Richard and the key and the chains remind you of Randall Flagg and Lloyd at the jail in The Stand?


diandrahollman March 24 2010, 14:38:09 UTC
I forgot to put it in my review but did the seen with Silas and Richard and the key and the chains remind you of Randall Flagg and Lloyd at the jail in The Stand?




elliotsmelliot March 24 2010, 15:02:02 UTC
But in this world Richard chose to stick with Mother Abigail.


diandrahollman March 24 2010, 15:14:12 UTC
Small comfort. That doesn't change the fact that "The Stand" was awful.


aurilly March 24 2010, 14:34:13 UTC
and in the latter's case it doesn't even workAre you talking about when Sayid was sent to kill him? Because Flocke did say "Hello, Sayid," before Sayid was able to stab him. So it was the same thing. We still don't know if it wouldn't work if they were quiet. What I don't get is how Ben was able to stab him after having a whole chat with Jacob. Oh, whatever. This crack ( ... )


janie_tangerine March 24 2010, 16:38:11 UTC
Yeah I was. And well, F!Locke did say hello but Sayid didn't exactly talk to him, so I guess it could be taken either way. But then again if Ben killed Jacob after all that chat... pfff. Whatever, I never expect this to make sense at all.

I was blown away by two things: Nestor can act and fuck the triangle because OT3 is EPIC! EPIC!!!

THIS!!!! I like Richard/Jacob better as I suspect you do, too, but MM THE POTENTIAL FOR OT3. *licks lips like crazy*

Word about what you said about it possibly explaining a lot of other things, but eh, I guess it'll be for the spinoff Richard will get after the series is over. Because he will, right? Right?

LOL, thanks! I have to say that I probably liked it better too even if slave!Richard is amazing fodder for h/c fic, lol. Darlton jossed me indeed though. :(( But in our heads it can go that other way, right? Right? And yeah, word about the rest of that paragraph.

IT'D BE SO AWESOME TO BE A FLY ON MARKSHA'S WALL!!! Do you imagine the crazy???

Today I wrapped up a scene in which I was Lucifer. Now ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

janie_tangerine March 24 2010, 18:25:32 UTC
His answer? That's all part of hell. They never really left.


If it ends like this they'll have their heads ripped off I think. I mean, it'd be the worst cheat in the history of ever. Even worst than the bomb. I don't want to consider the opinion that they'd go there. DDDD:

Ha, I'm totally still hooked too. We're hopeless. ;)


diandrahollman March 25 2010, 02:08:05 UTC
Yes. Wordy word word. This whole post. Yes.


diandrahollman March 24 2010, 14:43:45 UTC
18. So. Basically. If you want to kill either Jacob or the MIB you need to stab them and not talk to them first, and in the latter's case it doesn't even work. One of them is the devil, if you suppose that at least one of them isn't lying. One of them is obviously lying.

I vote they're both lying and not letting them talk before trying to kill them makes no difference whatsoever.

Richard says that they're all dead and that the island is Hell, which can't make sense because then they'd have died when the first plane crashed and how do dead people time travel and become the O6?

No, they're not dead. The Hell/Purgatory explanation makes no sense whatsoever and that's why TPTB threw it out five seasons ago and promised that *wasn't* the answer. Why they keep bringing it back up anyway is anyone's guess, but it's starting to annoy me.


janie_tangerine March 24 2010, 18:29:11 UTC
That's the most sensible answer. -nodnodnod-

I think that Purgatory might have made sense if it was about everyone getting redemption on the island, but it stopped being that when Charlie died I think. I still think that it was the original idea and that then everyone was on it and they changed the direction. :/ Idek but they are bringing that up themselves, so who knows.


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