Lost 6x09 'Ab Aeterno'

Mar 24, 2010 14:42

Okay, this is the serious reaction post. Sadly I can't do team CTRL+ALT+CANC. :(

Team crazy is crazy

1. Poor Jack, this episode he wasn't guessing one thing right.

2. I swear that when I realized what Richard wanted to do I threw a fit. WHY IS EVERYONE WANTING TO SIDE WITH F!LOCKE, GODDAMMIT? *headdesk*

3. Poor Richard though. :(((

4. Frank is still the best thing about team Jacob/crazy and Sun still needs more lines.

Team the curse of the black rock meets Deadwood meets Supernatural meets whatever the hell, this show is just a huge crossover

5. Richard's backstory: I've read a ton of fics on the subject which were way better, but I thought it was pretty much okay. They could have done it better and they could have been less obvious, but in the end it did work, mostly because Nestor Carbonell CAN ACT. Also, the Spanish was hot. Richard generally was. Especially when in chains. And especially when utterly desperate, awwwww.

6. The priest and the guy who bought him were disgusting. All I have to say seriously.

7. Jesus, the CGI is SO BAD. And the statue went down BECAUSE THE BLACK ROCK JUMPED THROUGH IT?

I always said this show is crack disguised with angst. Come on. IT'S CRACK. I'm just glad I can manage not to take it seriously.

8. The second the man in black came out I was like SILAS! SILAS! which probably testifies that two seasons of Deadwood in one week were too much.

Still, since they didn't grace us with the mib's name, from now I'm calling him Silas on default until they tell me which it actually is.

9. Anyway, poor Richard. Seriously, did it take that long to free the poor guy?

10. So. When mib/Silas told Richard to go kill the devil/Jacob, he told Richard exactly the same stuff that the Japanese deceased temple guy told Sayid when he sent him to kill that same mib/f!Locke. In both times, Sayid and Richard talked to the other guy and they didn't kill him. I'm sure this has to mean something which is probably that both Jacob and Silas/MIB are dirty rotting liars, or that they share at least 90% of their DNA, but point is, idek. CONFUSING.

11. Though at least we have some answers. Well, not that I like that people arrive in the island because Jacob needs to prove to Silas/MIB that free will exists or crap like that, but at least hey, that's an answer. Also as someone on my FL said, would freeing MIB seriously start the apocalypse? Really? Whatever. *goes along with it just because* I mean, it's seven eps left, I'll just shrug and wait.

12. When Richard and Jacob first met (I had supposed Jacob would've been the one to free him from the ship when I saw the premiere so the fact that the MIB had done it threw me out for a loop lol) I could only think that it was a relationship that started rocky.

Sorry. I know he loves his wife and stuff but that's totally shipping material. That whole immortality business was kind of weird because I mean, 'I can't do this or that but SURE, I can make you immortal' was WTF but whatever again. I'm going along with it. Also because I still like Jacob better for some reason, even if the guy is as shady as a demi-god gets.

13. Can't they just freaking keep Titus Welliver? Not that I like the MIB, but I can stand him a looot more if he isn't in Locke's meatsuit. *sigh* F!Locke is still the worst crap the writers have ever thought.


14. Richard, Hurley and the wife = AWWW. I teared up. It wasn't exactly the most original scene ever but it was well-acted and I liked it.

15. Hurley, never change. Please.


16. If it turns out that Jacob is the devil and that the island keeps him in place from going all apocalypse, I'll throw a laughing fit so hard that they'll hear me in Antarctica. SERIOUSLY, MARK PELLEGRINO, CAN YOU BE THE DEVIL ANYWHERE YOU GO? As soon as Richard was like 'are you the devil?' I legit threw a fit. Hell, me and lasamy were just waiting for Silas/MIB to give Richard the Colt. Which wouldn't have worked, but whatever. Also Richard finding out that he served someone who said shit for ages = Castiel at the end of S4, y/n?

17. Jesus Christ the MIB is both Silas from Deadwood and War from SPN. LOL. I still can't wrap my head around the concept. At this point we'll find out that the island is either the final seal or the Gem saloon.

That'd probably be SCARY. *shudders*

Team brief speculation

18. So. Basically. If you want to kill either Jacob or the MIB you need to stab them and not talk to them first, and in the latter's case it doesn't even work. One of them is the devil, if you suppose that at least one of them isn't lying. One of them is obviously lying. People get to the island because Jacob wants to prove the MIB the point of free will and of people being able to change and the MIB is either proved right every time or kills them all as soon as they do thus rending the whole thing useless. The first Isabella was probably Smokey, but I wouldn't be so sure about the second, even if I'd like to know how could she talk to Hurley if she wasn't buried there or if she didn't die on the island. Richard says that they're all dead and that the island is Hell, which can't make sense because then they'd have died when the first plane crashed and how do dead people time travel and become the O6? Also from what Jacob said it sounded a lot more like purgatory rather than hell, which is what everyone was guessing by mid S2, and this whole shit in the end is more confusing than it was before. Then again Richard wasn't exactly in his right mind.

One day ^ that will make sense, I guess.

19. Last burning question: where the fuck is Vincent?

20. That said, I liked the episode a lot. Mostly because I'm not expecting anything to make sense by this point I guess, but in general I did like the last three eps so good for now. The premiere still is the first one, but then again, BOONE.

21. I probably had something more intelligent to say but I saw it before class and can't recall. :/ Ah well. Now let's hope that the good trend goes on next week too...

22. I forgot. NEEDS MORE FRANK.

bold_seer is my lj tag twin, lost season 6 review, everything relates to supernatural

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