Lost 6x09 'Ab Aeterno'

Mar 24, 2010 14:42

Okay, this is the serious reaction post. Sadly I can't do team CTRL+ALT+CANC. :(

spoilers )

bold_seer is my lj tag twin, lost season 6 review, everything relates to supernatural

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janie_tangerine March 24 2010, 16:38:11 UTC
Yeah I was. And well, F!Locke did say hello but Sayid didn't exactly talk to him, so I guess it could be taken either way. But then again if Ben killed Jacob after all that chat... pfff. Whatever, I never expect this to make sense at all.

I was blown away by two things: Nestor can act and fuck the triangle because OT3 is EPIC! EPIC!!!

THIS!!!! I like Richard/Jacob better as I suspect you do, too, but MM THE POTENTIAL FOR OT3. *licks lips like crazy*

Word about what you said about it possibly explaining a lot of other things, but eh, I guess it'll be for the spinoff Richard will get after the series is over. Because he will, right? Right?

LOL, thanks! I have to say that I probably liked it better too even if slave!Richard is amazing fodder for h/c fic, lol. Darlton jossed me indeed though. :(( But in our heads it can go that other way, right? Right? And yeah, word about the rest of that paragraph.

IT'D BE SO AWESOME TO BE A FLY ON MARKSHA'S WALL!!! Do you imagine the crazy???

Today I wrapped up a scene in which I was Lucifer. Now I'm flying out to Hawaii. The script says I'm NOT Lucifer, but I'm not entirely sure yet if I'm lying or not, because this character is super shady, too. Guess I'll just play him as Lucifer and see what happens.

PFFFFF. And his wife probably is like 'whatever, sure thing, go ahead.' LOL. And yeah totally, Marksha is now our very own shady sort-of-evil immortal guy. AWESOME? XD


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