apparently, someone at my uni likes Lost. Aaand, some other stuff.

Nov 03, 2009 19:21

1. So I'm still half MIA. Because I'm finishing the fics for scifibigbang and I'm late *cough* but I should be done within the week. I hope I am, at least. I need to. Sorry if I reply to both entries and comments late or at random. Whyy am I always late?

2. On to fun stuff, last day I was at university and look at what was written on that thing you're supposed to write on when you only have chairs and not desks! (Sorry for the sucky explanation, but I don't know the English name)

Smaller version in case it might be more readable:

This person is also good at drawing O_O I mean I'd have never managed to draw it so well. What do I do, put some piece of paper at the entrance?

3. Meme from mollivanders, in order to actually write something in this entry.

Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions

1. Favorite season?

Probably mid-spring. You know, late April-early May, when the weather is nice and not the furnace that it's in summer here, there are flowers blooming everywhere, the air is cooler, the days get longer... you get my drill.

2. Ship you could put yourself in?

Good question. Weell.

Totally Damon/any female in the vampire pornography. Right, maybe not the one who died, even though before dying she totally had one wild night with him so maybe yes. Anyway. Bite me anytime dear. *cough* Also because the only female of that bunch I give a crap about is the only one without a love interest, so...

3. As-yet-unfulfilled dream?

Probably getting published somewhere that isn't my high school newspaper. The last two years were so seriously depressing, especially because I had ended up doing both the covers, my section and other people's sections, but whatever.

4. Favorite ice cream?

Hazelnut. Put it in (good) coffee and you'll get yourself a slice of heaven, imo.

5. Least favorite school grade?

As subject? Jesus, algebra. Or maths more complicated than, er, basic equations. If you give me a Cartesian diagram I'll start to cry. Trigonometry was better but still, I hate numbers. There's a reason I study philosophy. (And that I don't like Descartes, but whatever *cough*.) I wasn't that great at physics either, but stuff concerning Cartesian diagrams was always my weak spot. Blah. *hates* ;)

4. Since I'm here, sign for Lost Hohoho! I'm so doing it again this year. And if last year someone actually wrote the Karl/Locke mpreg vampire fic, now I want to see someone attempting the Hurley/Shannon wingsex genderswapping one...

5. Just two words on the latest Heroes related news, not that I watch it but when it's relevant to my interests I read news. Warning: not exactly nice. They apparently offed Nathan for good without bothering to tell AP before he read the script.

Nice. At least the Lost people get the call.

AND, apparently Mohinder didn't appear for eight episodes or what because he's dead?

Not that I wasn't already done, but you know what? If I ever catch up, I'm stopping at 4x04. And that's it. And just because I miss Adrian Pasdar's face like crazy. And I'm actually happy. Maybe he'll get some new possibly good pilot or movie and I'll be able to enjoy his face without worrying about characterizations getting thrown out of the window. That said, Mr. Kring, you don't know how to use your actors. Whatever. Your funeral, me.

6. Another two words on Flashforward. I mean, it's not actually BAD, but it's not exactly doing it for me either. I mean, the premise is interesting and I like some characters a lot, but psycho!Dominic Monaghan leaves me WTF, the family drama is exhausting, I don't see why the lesbian has to get the pregnancy storyline *roll eyes*, I find all the kids annoying as hell (can we put Joseph Fiennes' daughter with Aaron and ship them somewhere FAR?) and tbh I'm watching it just because I have just three shows anyway. The soundtrack is very good though.

7. I fear that one of these days I'll have a political rant. *sigh* I should stop reading newspapers.

8. Okay, I'll get back writing. *waves* And when I'm done I'll finish checking all the awesome spooky fic at thequillstation which I couldn't check already.

tv shows, meme, heroes, lost, personal, writing, stuff, lol, university

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