apparently, someone at my uni likes Lost. Aaand, some other stuff.

Nov 03, 2009 19:21

1. So I'm still half MIA. Because I'm finishing the fics for scifibigbang and I'm late *cough* but I should be done within the week. I hope I am, at least. I need to. Sorry if I reply to both entries and comments late or at random. Whyy am I always late ( Read more... )

tv shows, meme, heroes, lost, personal, writing, stuff, lol, university

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Comments 33

elliotsmelliot November 3 2009, 18:29:26 UTC
Hee! You need to find that Lost fan. Maybe they are leaving you messages all over the university!

Hopefully now Adrian Pasdar can move on to bigger and better roles.

Despite not feeling Flashforward at all, last week's episodes was the first I actually could say I enjoyed. So I am going to keep it on the PVR for now.


janie_tangerine November 3 2009, 18:36:48 UTC
I so need to! Also it's hard to see it because it's half-unreadable but there was stuff like Swan station which in Italian they kind of overdubbed or something so whoever it is he/she watches it in English. I'll start leaving them clues.

Yeah. Indeed. Possibly as soon as possible. Blah, that show is such a wreck.

Last week's for me was more or less like all the rest, I probably liked the previous one better though. Mostly because this one was too kid filled for my tastes, lol. But I'm keeping on watching it anyway, since I do have time for it.


(The comment has been removed)

janie_tangerine November 3 2009, 18:43:26 UTC
Seriously, what? I mean, call the guy. Jeez. Especially when he has been in since episode one. It pissed me off too, even if on one side... sincerely I'm glad. I can say I'm done with that and he'll get a better show, I hope. Even though I'll miss him and Milo's inappropriate touching.

Thanks! :D

And mmm...

1. I know your favorite Bruce song, so favorite BJ song?
2. This is just in order to lure people into watching it, but give me all the reasons why The Rapture is awesome.
3. You can invite five people to dinner. Real alive/dead people, fictional characters from whatever. Who do you ask?
4. Subject/class you like best atm?
5. Favorite color?


kros_21 November 3 2009, 18:42:21 UTC
ma che c'è scritto? io non ci leggo un tubo! XD


janie_tangerine November 3 2009, 18:44:29 UTC
Namaste sopra, poi sotto the dharma initiative - station 3 - the Swan XD eh lo so ma le condizioni erano precarie quando ho fotografato quella cosa XD


kros_21 November 3 2009, 18:49:03 UTC
okay.... e cosa vuol dire? O.o


janie_tangerine November 3 2009, 18:56:35 UTC
Eeeh alor, la swan station 3 era la botola che c'era in lost prima e seconda stagione, la dharma initiative erano quelli dietro tutta la cosa e namaste è quella sottospecie di saluto che c'era nelle videocassette del tizio della dharma sempre nella seconda stagione XD (tutto Lost eh XD)


onlyechoes November 3 2009, 18:53:29 UTC
janie_tangerine November 3 2009, 19:05:49 UTC
Yep, it was Adrian. *glares* IT WAS HIM INDEED OR SO IT SEEMS. Sendhil is apparently dead but it seems like Hiro's mission is avoiding that he dies so wtf idk really. I read the summary for the last episode and I was like OMGWTF CONTRIVED! or something. And yeah, cancel that and just let the cast do some good stuff. Blah. Adrian. *sigh*

Seriously. Lately here is all like politicians' sex life, and everyone resigns except the PM. Fuck that. ;)

1. Favorite Dean/Castiel moment. Yes, I'm evil.
2. Best and worst aspects of living in Finland.
3. Favorite food?
4. Weirdest ship that you really, really like?
5. Best concert you attended?


onlyechoes November 3 2009, 20:21:48 UTC
janie_tangerine November 3 2009, 20:47:07 UTC
Because I is evil. ;)

Argh, what about your PM and mine going together to Mt. Athos? *cough* Because I'd so love to see that happen. And argh, REMINDS ME OF SOMEONE. EWWWWW. I totally get that *sigh* except that mr. B. actually candidates his escorts at the European election and just.. eewww. And now they found that this other governor had sex with transvestites and mr. B. told him that there was a video about him around because it was owned by his gossip magazine. I can't stand this crap anymore. *sigh*


gwape November 3 2009, 19:22:35 UTC
Oh my gosh that person is awesome! You should add to their drawing with Ille qui nos omnes servabit or something!

I feel the same about FlashForward. A lot of the characters are interesting in themselves and the plot is moving, but it still feels... off.


janie_tangerine November 3 2009, 20:42:42 UTC
LOL, I was so tempted to do it! But considering the drawing's condition someone would have probably deleted that and mine in the span of three classes.

Yeah, that. I mean, the premise is good and the characters are there but it's just not soaring.


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