The random post + Italian TV is so made of fail that I just want to laugh.

Dec 09, 2008 22:38

1) So I'm finally under antibiotics and of course the one I'm taking has the side effect of leaving a total sour taste in my mouth all day unless I'm eating. *sigh*

2) Seriously, most stupid thing I've heard since this country's PM's jokes on Barack Obama.

On Brokeback Mountain getting ridiculously cut on the tv. Uhm, half-rant I guess. )

the random post, brokeback mountain, rant, dubbing sucks, i don't like twilight and it's a fact, idiocy, wtf, my country is hopeless

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Comments 46

faechan December 9 2008, 22:01:45 UTC
But seriously, they cut the kiss scene?

...hanno fatto COSA? O___________________________________________O



*ha perso qualunque parola*


janie_tangerine December 9 2008, 22:08:48 UTC
E' raidue purtroppo, non mi sarei aspettata altro °________________° seriamente, che paese del....


faechan December 9 2008, 22:51:58 UTC
...che schifo e che tristezza. .__________________________.


janie_tangerine December 9 2008, 23:01:05 UTC
Ma davvero, ancora sto così -> O______________________O''' e santo Maurizio Crozza che li ha debitamente presi in giro XD sorvoliamo su come c'è arrivato ma.. XD


(The comment has been removed)

janie_tangerine December 9 2008, 22:13:10 UTC
Because I live in a country where it will take at least five hundred years and the Catholic Church stopping interfering with everything not concerning personal faith to get across the point that homosexuals are normal people *sigh*. Seriously, I can't think of another reason for them cutting it if not the fact that censors here are a bunch of prudes that gave Hannibal a free-for-all rating because of how it would gross and then cut BBM on TV. I'm sorry for them, but at least I've got my dvd WITH the kiss ;)


lasamy December 9 2008, 23:33:17 UTC
welcome to Pope!land *cringes*

I wanna get away from this shit hole!


falafel_musings December 9 2008, 22:47:57 UTC
*gasp* Men with men! What is the world coming to?

Stupid censors. That is a hot kiss and should be retained in all its glory. Plus when the gay love story is THE CENTRAL PLOT OF THE FILM why even bother screening the movie if you are going to cover it up? After midnight too?! That's just weird.

Yay! Fellow Twilight hater!!! I've never even tried to read those books. I sat listening to a book club discussion on it and it sounded SO Mary-Sueish. The prose is really that bad, huh? I used to love Poppy Z Brites queer vampire stories, but then those books were written for punk/gothic readers, not the cheesy whitebread mainstream.


janie_tangerine December 9 2008, 22:57:34 UTC
I've read some Twilight excerpts and I swear, when I wrote my Mary Sue at 12 years old I was better. Apart from dazzling and sparkling vampires (dazzle? SPARKLE???), when even Robert Pattinson there says he felt uncomfortable reading the book because it was the writer's sexual fantasies on paper, there you have it. Bad fanfiction getting published and I seriously, seriously can't stand bad prose. If something is badly written I can't read it even to laugh at it and if I want to read fanfiction I know where to get it. And what, punk/gothic vampires? Interesting! Maybe that'd be more interesting than your usual vampire book. The only vampire book I liked was Salem's Lot by King and the vampire wasn't good looking and killed without remorse ( ... )


falafel_musings December 9 2008, 23:20:51 UTC
And what, punk/gothic vampires? Interesting! Maybe that'd be more interesting than your usual vampire book.

Yeah, they are! I read Poppy Zs gothic horror novels when I was about 16. 'Lost Souls' is a story set in New Orleans about gay vampires who listen to Tom Waits, love sugery food and drink chartreuse to make their eyes glow green. Like all vampire stories the prose was dreamy and it was all about sexual fantasy, but it was more like good slash fic than bad Mary Sue fic!

*mmm* Enjoying your icon...


janie_tangerine December 9 2008, 23:39:15 UTC
... okay, I need to read that. Because gay vampires who listen to Tom Waits? That puts any 'original' vampire plot I ever read to shame. And if it was like good slash fic I'm all fine with that.


ladymacbeth77 December 9 2008, 22:48:44 UTC
Mi hanno detto di Brokeback Mountain e sono rimasta schifata! Ma cavolo, passano le serate a mostrare la peggiore deficenza, a cominciare dall'Isola dei Famosi, e poi tagliano un film vincitore di Venezia e che per di più passa in seconda serata?! Se già avevo dei dubbi su questo paese, ora ne ho la certezza: siamo veramente messi male.

PS: Come dico sempre: "Se la Meyer si scrive Scrittrice sulla carta d'identità, io voglio sulla mia Futura vincitrice del Nobel per la Letteratura" XP

PPS: C'entra niente, ma non ho ancora avuto la possibilità di farlo (son scema XP): ho letto alcune tue fic su Sam e Dean e ho ancora gli occhioni a cuore <3<3 Poi commento dove devo e seriamente ;)
(sì, ci sono cascata anch'io XP Lenta ma arrivo arrivo XP)


janie_tangerine December 9 2008, 23:00:15 UTC
Ma cavolo, passano le serate a mostrare la peggiore deficenza, a cominciare dall'Isola dei Famosi, e poi tagliano un film vincitore di Venezia e che per di più passa in seconda serata?!

Detto tutto. Cioè, dico, a parte dico, pacs e storie varie, quando ti tagliano BBM in seconda serata che cazzo puoi pretendere ormai? Ah, aspe, però all'isola dei famosi vince Luxuria e quella la fanno vedere eccome...

io voglio sulla mia Futura vincitrice del Nobel per la Letteratura" XP


Uh ma grazie mille! Io Sam e Dean li amo ♥ e meglio tardi che mai! ;)


ladymacbeth77 December 10 2008, 09:28:45 UTC
Vero. Così siamo aperti mentalmente e ci salviamo la faccia, no? XD
Però che bello... il primo piano del culo della De Blanck (inguardabile) va in prima serata e Brokeback Mountain viene censurato in seconda... e siamo messi benino di nulla, sì...

<3 Ora vado a rubare qualche icona :P


lasamy December 9 2008, 23:36:19 UTC
gaaaah c è cascata pure leiiiii!! :D
grazie per avermi fatto compagnia oggi...l'attesa si supera meglio a fangirlizzare via sms *g*


one_winged_hao December 9 2008, 22:57:50 UTC
I remember when we got Brokeback Mountain on TV and it was shown in its entirity...however, despite this, the same channel that aired it first feels the need to cut Watership Down.

As for Twilight, I was asking people a few weeks ago whether it was worth my money and effort to buy and read the series. I decided it wasn't but I will see the film (and the only reason for that is because I have a film pass that allows me to have unlimited trips to the cinema for £11.99 a month). As a self-proclaimed film buff, I make the effort to see every 'blockbuster' and film starring a major actor/ess (like I saw Lakeview Terrace because it had Samuel L Jackson it: it was terrible).

Ok, I'm sick and I like to say stuff in the form of comments.


janie_tangerine December 9 2008, 23:04:17 UTC
They seriously cut Watership Down? Oh God. Seriously, censors are horrible.

I want a pass like that too! And hey, I watch all the movies from that guy I spammed yesterday and they ALL suck. From what I gathered, the Twilight movie is better than the books and doesn't have the infamous 'do I dazzle you' quote because seriously, dazzling vampires? All the excerpts I read were so bad that I seriously burst out laughing at some parts. ;)


one_winged_hao December 9 2008, 23:06:09 UTC
They cut the part where the dogs attack the rabbits. I have no idea why.

And someone had told me that Twilight read like a teenage written fanfic although during all my years of writing fanfiction, I've never once used the word 'dazzle' in any form.


janie_tangerine December 9 2008, 23:08:46 UTC
O_O'''''' that's stupid. Well, like cutting a kiss when before you had actual sex in the tent.

Yes, that's pretty much it. Except that when I wrote fanfiction with Mary Sues (a looong time ago, thankfully), I was less ridiculous and I surely never used anything such as dazzle either. Or sparkle. I mean, sparkling vampires? Are they vampires or Christmas trees? ;)


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