The random post + Italian TV is so made of fail that I just want to laugh.

Dec 09, 2008 22:38

1) So I'm finally under antibiotics and of course the one I'm taking has the side effect of leaving a total sour taste in my mouth all day unless I'm eating. *sigh*

2) Seriously, most stupid thing I've heard since this country's PM's jokes on Barack Obama.

Yesterday, they were airing Brokeback Mountain at 11 PM, so late night. I was kind of surprised at the channel since it's not exactly the most homosexual-friendly of the public television, but whatever. So, my mom calls me because even if she hadn't seen it she had guessed what it was and it was from the point where they find the dead sheep, so I don't know if they left the tent scene. But whatever, after agreeing on being both on team Ennis, since the dubbing was atrocious and it was getting late I told her I own the dvd we could watch it together (sixth time for me, figure that out) another time and we shut the TV off. It was more or less twenty to midnight and there was still Ennis and his wife discussing moving, so I figure that the kiss scene in my icon there would have been aired around midnight or something.

So, today she calls me and there's this totally brilliant comedian who always makes my day which had this sketch on the liberal-oriented channel and he starts making fun of the fact that the kiss scene was cut and that at this point if they had cut an Oscar winning movie for that they could have not aired it at all.

Seriously, what the fuck? Now I wish I had caught it before to see if they left the tent scene, even if I'd be surprised if they did. But seriously, they cut the kiss scene? Come on, if you take that off half of what happens next doesn't make sense. And it was freaking midnight, geez, if someone was disgusted by the topic he wouldn't watch the movie at all and if someone stays up to see that and didn't turn off his innocent eyes at the tent scene they can endure a kiss. This either makes me want to headdesk or laugh at whoever decided this thing's stupidity and I guess I'll go for the latter but really, what-the-fuck. And thankfully they didn't kiss passionately during the 'I wish I knew how to quit you' scene because I'm sure it'd have got cut at one in the night.

3) I've got the Christmas cards almost ready, I only miss five which I'm going to buy tomorrow. Also, it's a random selection of Unicef cards and made-in-Nepal cards I bought at one of those fair-trade shops (is it like that?) and I don't know what else I'm getting tomorrow. I'm going to assign them at random as I bought them randomly. ;)

4) I seriously need to hurry up with the Hohoho assignment *sigh*. But I'm not running late at least.

5) First and last time I'll talk about Twilight here since I've got a lot of friends who like it and I really don't want to offend anyone. But. The point is that I don't-give-a-damn about it. Apart from the fact that I don't like vampire books which aren't parodies on default (I hated Interview With The Vampire with a force and I found Dracula so boring that I left it at one third), from what excerpts I read it's really not my cup of tea, also stylistically. Mostly because I can write my own Mary Sue without searching for one, because I read fanfiction which in comparison to Twilight is Dante Alighieri and most of all, vampires do not dazzle and sure as hell do not sparkle if I remember that quote right. But anyway. I'm sick of having it thrown in my face wherever I go. Damnit, I see it at the postal office, my favorite bookshop has piles of it around and it's half of what you can see on first look, yesterday I was at a fair where small-medium editors sell books and there was this enormous stand where they offered the whole saga and a t-shirt of the movie (and bag of the movie and posters and behind-the-scenes and stuff) at a lesser price, Robert Pattinson's face (and I don't even find him attractive) is all over the city in a way that doesn't happen even when Harry Potter movies come out and frankly, I don't give a damn. When is this whole hype going to be over? Because I'm getting sick tired of it. And then I heard that they're shooting the next movie in Italy and I just want to cringe at the thought. I-can't-stand-it.

Also? There's only one literary Edward I'll ever care for and his surname is Dean. And thankfully he never sparkled. God, I wish The Dark Tower had one tenth of the exposure this stuff has, at least I wouldn't have had one month to wait for the original hardcovers to arrive in the bookshop. /end rant

6. Woah, I hadn't started this post wanting to make it ranty. Well, happened.

7. Guess that's all for now? *goes writing*

8. Oh, damn, I forgot to watch Heroes. If the writing doesn't want to come I'll have a laugh.

the random post, brokeback mountain, rant, dubbing sucks, i don't like twilight and it's a fact, idiocy, wtf, my country is hopeless

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