the wire S1 episodes 8-13

May 29, 2008 22:23

God I'm in for suffering from a terrible case of repetitive heartbreak, am I not? *sigh* But it's so good.

1. God Greggs. Yeah, I'm skipping some information here, but when they shot her.... damn that was just so tense and just sad. Clearly the one running for my favorite character gets shot first. Yes, of course. Thankfully she didn't die.

2. Guess I shouldn't even get started on Wallace dying. I had sort of sensed that the kid wasn't in for the long haul but him dying that way? That was just terrible. It completely made me miserable.

3. And to end the heartbreak category... I hear on the Bubbles massive love. With the cleaning up-paging Greggs-starting using again (because he totally did, right?) he just made me want to cry. I was so rooting for him to get out of that clean (after all, he had God Earle giving tips, right?) and then.... oh God he makes me hurt. That scene where he went to his sister's... *sigh*

4. And I've still got that growing affection for his Johnny friend there. Very much growing.

5. Uhm, the mother of the D'Angelo kid makes the pre Lost finale Margo Shephard look like the mom from Guess who's coming to dinner. Just let me say that.

6. The Major Rawls there actually got some points this round. I still think he's a moron but at least he talked sense at a certain point.

7. I'm re-evaluating Creepy-Not-Oceanic. I really liked him more with each episode.

8. God, I'm totally shallow for McNulty. Him and that white shirt of his which really looks good on him. Well, also that blue one he had in his last scene of the finale. And when he threw up in The Hunt there... only time I appreciated Rawls lol. The man really is some excellent eye candy. And he might be a bit of an asshole but erm, I said I'm shallow. Much love for when he talked with Bubbles in the park. *nods* though much of my shallow probably depends on the fact that he's got one of the easiest accents to my ear in there. Him and Creepy-Not-Oceanic.

9. The D.A. is an highly intelligent woman. For real. And no, I don't mean only ravishing in a parking lot the guy I was talking about in point #8. She owns in general.

10. I love Greggs to no end. She kicked ass also when just out of a coma for a life threatening wound. Much, much love.

11. God was that lawyer of Barksdale & co. absolutely viscid.

12. OMAR! -> aweeesomeness. I was kind of deluded when he took that bus because he wasn't around and I think I'm madly in love with the bare concept of the character but when he came back? Nothing better for closure.

13. Steve Earle trying to get his nephew off drugs/dispensing pearls of witness all around -> massive love. God he's just so not acting that he's absolutely fantastic.

14. Bunk -> awesomeness.

15. The Prez guy actually grew on me quite a lot.

16. Speaking of the police people, they're just awesome. Freamon is great (and that storyline with the stripper of which I can't remember the name? Loved it). Carver is great and the Herc guy just cracks me up.

17. So yours truly is quite sucked in. I so can't wait to see the rest of this.

Woot, three entries today? Wow. It never happens usually. And Lost finale tomorrow morning! I'm totally unspoiled apart from a thing and the promo. Feels absolutely weird.

the wire, review

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