Lost 4x13-14 There's No Place Like Home

May 30, 2008 11:58

Okay. There is MASSIVE amount of squeeage under the cut. Especially of the Desmond kind. I warned.


1. NIRVANA!JACK IS BACK! Well, this time he was Pixies!Jack, but I'll keep the Nirvana. Sounds better and I like Nirvana better. Though it's awesome that the more wasted Jack is the better his musical taste gets. I love Nirvana!Jack something fierce even if I should hate that he is like that. And I hate it and it breaks my heart but I can't help loving him. Though that beard is still hideous. Dear wig department, you lose. Nirvana!Jack lovingly yours, Janie.

2. OMGSAYID. SAYIDOMG. Always with that absolutely HOT look but more disheveled. Like he stopped straightening his hair. And angsty and teaming up with Hurley? God. I squeed in that scene like woah. Sayid, you're made of EPIC WIN and I love you. Devotedly and endlessly and faithfully yours, Janie.

3. Hurley plays chess with Mr. Eko, huh?

Okay, seems like I'll be writing some dead!Boone meets Hurley soon.

4. That speaking, where the fuck can I download the ehanced version? I need to see Jack speaking about Boone. Please. Give me that at least.

5. Future!Kate -> blah. I can see why she treats Jack that way, I mean, after 4x10 I can see it, but why the fuck doesn't she want to come back? Locke surely would have told her Sawyer was alive, right? And WTF with Claire? Alive? Dead? Meh, I give up.

6. I hope Sun is not working with Widmore. I so hope not. And I hope Mr. Bentham spoke with her, too.

7. God, Ben, what should I make with you? You confuse me. So Ben can't actually go back to the island, right? And when it moved, he was teleported in the desert, right?

8. LOCKE WAS IN THE COFFIN? wtf. I was terrified it was going to be Desmond, IDK why, but well, wasn't. Thankfully. And before someone resuscitates him (because they'll do it, surely), I'm so writing dead!Locke meets dead!Boone. Yes, I've been referencing Boone three times since the start and he wasn't even in the episode. So?

9. Okay, WTF. Jack didn't seem surprised that Ben was there though.


10. Frank owns. Seriously.

11. Beginning sequence -> massive Jack/Sawyer slashing.

12. Sawyer + Hurley > love.

13. Sayid + Richard pwning Keamy was THE BEST THING EVER. So much love for it. So much love. Keamy, you don't know who you're fucking with, oh no.

14. So Sawyer actually did want to go away.

15. Uhm, and that was a spectacular kiss? *scratches head* I mean, the S/K. It was a good kiss but spectacular? I don't think so.

16. God. Sawyer jumping down killed me. He just killed me. He's just grown so much as a character and I love him. I love him so. *cries*

17. JULIET! GOD NO JULIET! *cries* at least they can get drunk together on the beach. Hey, they're both alive at least.

18. Shirtless!Sawyer -> oh yeeeeeesss.


19. I claim that Dan was sucked back on the island with Steve, Tracy and the other redshirts. Because he needs to be sweethearts with Charlotte.

20. She was BORN there?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

21. I think Miles has a crush on Shannon. Just sayin'.

22. Rose > everyone.


23. Oh Desmond. Sure, you studied how to handle bombs in the army. But you so were not cut for it, m'darling. So not. But I love you anyway.

24. Meh, I wish they used Michael more this season.

25. JIN!!!! Well, I deny that. I deny that. I DENY it. Shit, couldn't he have just followed Desmond outside? If the bomb expert doesn't know a thing, I guess you can't either, right? God, WHY? But I think he's alive.

26. As I think Mike is. Has to do with the dead Shephard presence, but I'll speculate further down.

27. OMG Desmond telling them not to land and Sayid deciphering what he said? Best thing ever. My cult ship is always massive love.

28. God Sun. Sun. She broke my heart. I thought she was really going to jump down. And I don't think it's Jack's fault, at least not all of it.

29. I wouldn't have ever bet on Desmond being on that chopper but well. He was. And I'm darn glad for it. The list/Charlie/lack of guilt business still bugs me and I don't like that they seemingly forgot it, but point is, I think it was a very bad writing choice that affected everyone except Hurley, not only him. At this point I'll curse the writers, hope they do something about it next season and meanwhile enjoy what they give me. I couldn't not love him at this point, I think.


30. Meh. Locke and Jack have been having exactly the same conversation since White Rabbit. And Ben totally wants to marry Locke.

31. So Locke is the new Others chief? Yay. Maybelline NY seemed totally okay with it.

32. Keamy, I hated you and I'm darn glad you bit it. When he spoke about Alex... geez. Sorry. But Ben sacrificing everyone proving the exactly opposite point of the one he wanted to prove in Kevin Johnson? Aaaaaaaargh. Well, my opnions stay where they are. I don't trust Ben period. And what he was doing with all that metal? He wanted to break the Orchid? Meeeeeeeeeh.

33. Island moving and stuff = I give up. I didn't understand a thing about it and didn't even care.


34. When the chopper was down and they did CPR on Desmond with Jack and Sayid bringing him up?

GOD I was terrified. The breath of relief I gave out when he breathed again? Immense. *squishes Desmond* Not to talk about the total slashiness of the CPR or of Sayid calling out Desmond at some point.

35. I was spoiled for the Live Together Die Alone guy being in the episode so I was just hoping for it to happen and... god it did.

It did happen and I was sort of crying. God the reunion. THE REUNION. That was a darn spectacular kiss. ALL THE FUCKING WAY. Their faces at seeing each other? God. God. God. Even better than the phone call. They're still not my official OTP because I won't ever admit to have one and I want to keep them together but god, that was shipper satisfaction. I still can't believe it. They looked so happy and just.. just... *cries* and well, Desmond is out with Penny? I'm darn glad for it. I won't get into another rambling longer than this post and I'm getting repetitive but oh Desmond, I love you so and the way you introduced her... god. LOL at when he was like 'and this was Sayid, my temporary freighter boyfriend'. Yeah, sorry, I can't avoid that. And he's off! Are they hiding? What's going to happen? I can't wait to see how it plays out. I think he's bound to go back, too, but maybe with her, if that HBO shitty show doesn't steal the actress much longer, yes? Oh well, I'll just enjoy it for the next nine months.

36. The Des/Jack conversation in the end was LOVE. I always loved the connection between those two and was almighty pissed that they seemingly forgot that they had it, so Jack telling Desmond his catch sentence just made me so happy. I hope it doesn't mean that something awful is going to happen because it damn well could, but well, I'm not considering that.

37. Sayid and Jack in their rescued shirts -> love.

38. Penny was adorable. Totally adorable. So she knows about the hoax. Interesting.


39. Christian was on the freighter. I think it means something.

40. IDK how Michael could have survived that explosion (Jin was on deck so he probably had more chances), but well, I think they are both alive. My two cents?

41. Locke seemingly spoke to everyone of the six before dying and Hurley told college!Walt and his owning grandmother (who is awesome btw) that his father was left behind, not dead. Could Locke have told Hurley that Mike is in fact alive? And if he was Jin probably would be too, which would make Sun want to come back.

42. Regarding Sun, IDK what to make out of her Widmore meeting. She seemingly blames Jack and I get that, but I don't think she'd sell Desmond or Penny out to him, wouldn't she? Maybe Ben? IDK. But she kicks ass anyway.

43. Okay, my two cents on Locke being back: things get out of hand on the island, he moves it back where it was so that they can come back (hey, if they have to go back they can't search for it if they don't have an idea, right?), by moving it back he's forced to go in the real world like Ben did, speaks with the Six and then dies either because he can't walk and commits suicide/Jacob told him it was a way to go back/gets killed (Sayid maybe? He seemed to know more than he let on at that point..). Can't explain that otherwise.

44. About Ben's final speech, WTF. I don't know what he has in mind and I don't even want to. I'll just retrieve into my happy corner where Des and Penny are making up for eight years of absence and then team up with Sayid and Hurley in order to be a team of total badassery and where Ben decides he doesn't want to kill her after all.

45. Claire? WTF?????????! All I've got to say. They screwed her storyline MUCH and I don't like it, but however. Let's hope they make the hell up for it, though I don't hope it.

46. God I'm drained and I want to make icons out of this but it'll take quite some time. Well, I'll get around to sooner or later.

The end.

So I have nine months to think this over? Great.

Okay, so, show, you fuck with my head and you hate me and sometimes you're pretty hateful yourself, but I still love you and you still know how to do things right. Amen.

squee, desmond and sayid win at life, review, omg sawyer, jack and sawyer can still be slashed, lost season 4, i really do love desmond

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