Jun 21, 2020 22:12
I'm just in the mood to be sitting in a pub garden/ balcony/deck, overlooking somewhere watery with the sun fading and the sky just turning the the same shade of pink as the gin in my glass. Preferably in the company of friend/friends. Making plans for the fun times ahead with smiles on our faces and love in our hearts.
This is what summertime should be like..
What is currently happening:
I am sitting on my bed, alone. I'm so bored I can't be bothered to watch TV in fact, I've worked myself up to such a state of boredom that I can barely be bothered to breathe. I'm tired of being by myself. I want a hand to hold, breath on my face. A warm body to snuggle up to at night.. FFS, I'd even relish a fucking good argument.
I have friends. I meet them and go for the odd walk but there's still a feeling of disconnection. What's the point in bing alive if we can't live?