Sep 30, 2011 17:27
So, over the course of this year, I have written 22 entries here, and in the last month, I have exercised at least 1000 minutes. This is quite a good record for me, and I am quite proud of myself for making this happen. I'd prefer it were 22 entries in one month to go along with the 1000 minutes, but beggars can't be choosers, so I'll take what I can get!
It's been great fun to use the daily challenge this week. i've done 5 so far, and they are all simple but fun and I feel like I've accomplished something. I checked out Julia Cameron's Artist's Way books from the library this week (I wish my things were here, I'd pull out my own copies) and I'm going to buy a tablet for morning pages next week. In the meantime I have been thinking about what I need to finish up in my room and how I want things to go here, and I'm feeling better about several things. I've rearranged my room a bit, and I like the results. My student loan check came, so I have a couple of things I'll be picking up- one of which I think will be an electric tea kettle I can keep up here and make tea with here in my room in the mornings. I think it will be a good routine for me in the mornings, and get me back to something I enjoy very much, which is drinking hot tea every day. As it is now colder at night, I will enjoy having something so warm to look forward to in the mornings.
So, still worried over some things, better on others. Pulling out the stops of other things.
Tonight is the Spaghetti Dinner at church tomorrow. I will be going to help them set up this evening, and working in it tomorrow. It will be quite a nice time, I hope, but I don't think it will be something I volunteer for in the future as I did this time. Helping out is one thing, but being on the committee is not going to happen again. So, it will be nice to have this over with. I've got a paper to write this evening for Sunday as well.
I'm tired from the elliptical runner. I did 20 minutes on the ER, and another 15 in the circuit trainer. It was nice and I feel better when I've done it. In fact, I've only missed one day this week- yesterday, when I did yoga at home. It was a nice way to do things. I miss the warm feeling that is almost energetic when I don't get in. Tomorrow is going to be tricky. I will do what I can to get in, but I might end up having to make do with some yoga in the morning before heading to help with the dinner. Hopefully I can get it in, but we shall see.
I have a few more things I need to think through with organization in the room, and I have a list of things to get when my check has cleared on Monday. Things like a crock pot and a tea kettle and perhaps a whirley-pop popcorn pan. I'm going to have so much fun with that!