Entry the Twenty-first, Or, Some days it doesn't pay to do yoga...

Sep 28, 2011 17:19

Yesterday morning I went kamikazi and scheduled a personal training session at 9AM. This was not very bright on my part, because I generally am not usually awake before 9, let alone in any shape to actually exercise. Still, though, I am trying to change that and get up around 8, ready to face the world at 9(ish), and so I got up, threw on my lovely yoga pants and a tee, and drove to Bally's where I endured an hour of personal torture.

At least it is the last of the personal training sessions I bought when I enrolled.

On the plus side, my trainer showed me how to use the circuit training machines. After I got used to the fact that they move when I do (my balance kept screaming at me that something was wrong- this is why I need balance help), I really loved them, and have decided that I will do those machines two or three times a week to give me some variety. The elliptical runner and my iPod are fantastic, but there is only so much time you can spend running in place before even Flo Rida can't make it better.

But I digress.

This morning, I got up at 9:30 in time for Yoga at 10:30. The yoga was fantastic, as always. And then the instructor threw a new loop my way. She put in a new routine of triangle poses that go to another one-footed balanced stand (kind of like Warrior 3 but on the side). By the time I was done, I was tuckered out. Of course, I enjoy the yoga very much, and it does wonders for my frame of mind, but I'm always glad when the class is done because I can go rest and let my muscles unkink from the knots they've wound themselves into to contort into some of the poses we are doing.

On a positive note, today I went down 3 more inches on a forward bend.

On the negative side, I am now so sore I can feel my kidneys.

I am of mixed feelings about this. But that's OK. I've worked out three days this week already- and I'm seeing something of a difference (I'm hard underneath the fat)- and I feel better when I've done something like that every day. So that is good. On the other hand, I really don't like being sore. And it is really weird to be sore enough to feel your kidneys in your back! This has happened a couple of times before, and it really creeps me out.

Add to that the temporary crown odyssey I went through over the weekend (which will end in me paying to have a tooth pulled and an implant put in over the next year) and my body has been through the ringer. This physical fitness stuff is very strange. Dental stuff is even more so. But again, being positive, I would make a great female pirate if I decided to forget about the whole crown thing.

There's always an upside, right?

Unfortunately, my snaggletooth time was a few days late for National Talk Like a Pirate Day. Better luck next year.

The Darling Incarcerated Fiancee and I have been having a fight- actually, an extension of the same problem that started in May, and I think it's going to work out, but I'm waiting to see. I'm enjoying school and I've got some lovely Vampire Diaries episodes that leave me in stitches each week to take the edge off my True Blood withdrawal. I have several good books and some knitting to work on, and I am having fits that my sewing machine is not here because I can't work on some of the projects that are constantly flitting through my mind. I am worried about the FFIL who is getting more aggitated and showing more dementia on a daily basis... but other than that...life is just peachy, thank you very much.
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