If I remember correctly...

Sep 12, 2011 22:22

This is entry 19. If I remember.

I'm really in a crappy mood today. The more I think about it, the less hope I have for this engagement to actually work out into a marriage. I got another letter from the darling incarcerated fiancee, in which he castigates me for trying to help him by getting in contact with an attorney. An attorney that we were referred to by someone with a knowledge of attorneys who could help us. Instead, the dumb fuck has been using telephone minutes and money to blind-call attorneys in the area. I am so hurt and angry I could scream. This on top of the infidelity of his time before jail, the constant porn-star comparisons, and all the rest. What on earth am I to do?

Until I got his letter, today was not so bad. I spent most of it at the VA hospital with his dad, while he had a podiatry appointment. I got several rows knitted and played Angry Birds. It was nice.

I've been watching the coverage from 9/11. Even ten years later I am still shocked with what I see. It's a crazy thing to remember those days and the gut-wrenching horror. After 10 years, I love seeing the healing and the good that came out of that time. The services this year were so very healing.

I'm still working on Vampire Diaries season 2, and I watched the True Blood season finale last night. It was good- but left me with more questions than answers, and now I wish the next season were starting in a few weeks, instead of 9 months. That is one thing I do NOT like about HBO. At least I have a whole season of Vampire Diaries to tide me over until then!

I finally told my parents about the DIF's more recent infidelity today. I emailed Mom about something else, and mentioned the engagement might break at the end of it. At least I didn't have to listen to her on the phone or Facetime going on about it. Hopefully by the time I chat with them again, most of that will feel better and I can handle them with some equanimity. We shall hope so.

I chatted with Popo and Liloh yesterday. Liloh is so cute with her Peek-a-Boo (something we played while Daddee was getting Zee to potty), and Zee spent most of the time we talked parrotting back some of what I said to Steve. It was sooooo funny- every few minutes she's say, "Downstairs watching TV." They were so cute, I got a good chuckle out of them.

I need a chuckle right now.

Well, I'm up early tomorrow for a neurology appointment. I hope it goes well, and he mentions that he's having problems. I doubt it, but it could happen. I don't think it's something I can go into the appointment with him- who knows? Anyway, tomorrow will be interesting.
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