Entry the 19th, and boy am I tired.

Sep 04, 2011 21:31

Today I spent twenty-five minutes on the elliptical runner at Bally's. I had spent 35 minutes yesterday, had a training session on Friday, and was very sore from that, but I still got in the time today. This makes three days in a row- and starts my week off with a day in the club, when I'm only trying to do 3 days a week. Last week I got three in. This week, I'm already one up. It's shaping up to be a very good week.

All this exercise has left me very tired. For whatever reason, I have never quite felt the endorphin rush that everyone claims I should- I feel warm, but very tired. I expect some of the tired will go away as I make this a habit. That is a good thing. My legs will also strengthen (along with the rest of me) and tone up pretty quickly. So, I'll look good fast. That's a good thing. now I just need to stick with my diet and lose some weight. Then maybe the endorphins will kick in. Who knows?

One thing I can state for sure about this- I have much more fun when I put on my iPod with some good work-out music. I can go twice as fast as I did without it, or when I was trying to read whilst working out. The music makes my blood pump and I feel like dancing, so it's easy to go on the machine.

Still, I look forward to going over there- I might have to go spend another half-hour tomorrow morning- and I can't wait for my next yoga class. Wednesday mornings are fun! The new club opens in 2 weeks, and from the schedule I've seen, they will have yoga on a couple of days the other club does not- so I will have a great time with that.

I spent some time with a lady from church today. She gave me cuttings from some of her flowers to grow in my room. We had a nice long chat about a bunch of things I need to get off my chest, and it was nice to be in a home that is a home, and not just a house people live in, like this one. I'm still working on that. Who knows when it will be done?

I've been so upset about my fiancee this week, I really don't know what to do. We had a rather unproductive talk on Friday- the first one in nearly 2 weeks, and I haven't heard from him since. This irritates me, because I had told him about the attorney I've been in contact with, and suddenly he tunes me out. I'm so frustrated by this immature behavior. I hope to be able to talk to him soon, and I hope and pray he's over his snit. I am so in the mood to rip his head off for this kind of behavior. Probably not a good idea- I know he's hurt and healing over some things aside from the whole prison thing, but really, some days it would be therapeutic. I have decided, though, that I will talk to him about postponing our wedding until after the first of the year. After our big fight earlier this year, that we are still dealing with, I don't think it would be a good idea to get married right now. Let alone with the appeal doing what it is. I hate having to say that, but it's true.

I'm on a Laby kick, rereading some of my favorites in between Vampire Diaries episodes. Yes, my Damon crush is still going on. I really am incorrigible. It's great that VD is starting up the week that True Blood ends for the season. It will help stave off my vampire cravings.

New classes start tomorrow. I'm pretty happy about that. I think I'm going to arrange for my sewing machine to be shipped out here. I'm kind of going nuts without it. But still, things are good.

All in all, I'm getting better with the whole thing right now. It's becoming easier to live here each day that I can get out on my own and do things, and I'm feeling a little better each day. I still feel a bit crazy, but I'm better.
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