A lazy Sunday...

Oct 02, 2011 17:48

After the Spaghetti dinner last night, and my forced interaction with over one-hundred people, I decided this morning to forego church and stay home to prevent a migraine and/or a psychotic episode. Sometimes extreme introversion has it's benefits. I also spent a large amount of the afternoon making Martha Stewart's Smoky Sweet Potato soup from this month's magazine, and I have decided that chipotle peppers really do rule the world. They are in this soup and they are fantastic. Even more exciting was the adobo sauce the pepper was canned in, which is the best sauce I've had in a very long time- and that includes the habanero sauce I bought in the store last week. So, I think I have found a new additive for my weekly guacamole fix. Tonight, whilst watching Downton Abbey, I will enjoy said guac very much.

Tomorrow is another appointment at the VA hospital for podiatry, and I need to do some grocery shopping and get my personal shopping done. I am really looking forward to it. The FFIL has something going on with his leg, though, so moving is very hard. Hopefully we can get that figured out tomorrow at the hospital.

I have a school paper due this week, and a ton of reading and things I need to get done before the end of the week. Things I want to begin and things I want to continue. Things that I hope will make my life better and things that I need to end so that things are moving in the direction I want them to go in. It's pretty crazy all the things I am trying to accomplish, but they really need to be done.

I logged in to Sparkpeople today for the first time in a very long time. I put in what I could remember of my exercising over the last few weeks, and discovered that I have already done nearly 1800 minutes this year This is more than a third of my goal for the year (which is something like 5730- it works out to 30 minutes three times a week), and I did it in only 2 months! I could make my goal this year by December if I can keep up my current pace, or even back off a bit. I'm doing really well with that goal, though, and I am proud of myself.

In two weeks I'm having my Jane Austen weekend, and I am really excited about going over there. It will be great to get out and see a bit of the country, and I am looking forward to meeting all these new people and just having a girlfriend weekend. It will be very fun.

School is going pretty well, but I am having trouble adjusting to a more relaxed schedule. I need to work on that. The readings are very interesting. The whole global history theory is quite interesting. I have some crazy ideas that are starting to take shape. I think I'll be OK, if I can get my stuff together and work this out on the appropriate timeline.

I have come to the conclusion that this house is a rather toxic place. It could be happy, but that won't happen with the state it's in right now. It needs to be cleaned out and repaired, and I can't do those things with my position being what it is. Eventually, I might be able to, but not while Mr. C. is alive or in charge. I have the feeling this house has been sad for a long time- since before James' mother died. It's going to be interesting to see how the house changes, or if it does, when I am allowed to have full reign over what is going on. We shall see.

Tomorrow I'm getting a crock pot, a whirley -pop, and an electric tea kettle for tea in my room. I love that things are beginning to be what I invision for myself. Life is slowly getting better. Very slowly, but it is moving in the right direction.
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