Jul 11, 2015 01:34
Marionberries with my cereal this morning and with my ice cream tonight. Yummy!
Andy Griffith died this morning. I've been a fan for many years. R. I. P.
Tied Tomato plants up to stakes and cut off some of the older, longer leaves. Staked the Cherry Tomato plant in the trough. Harry put some netting above the fence so the Squash plants can continue vining up. When they start to develop fruit, we'll cut those vines off, but just blossoms so far because it's been so hot. Cooler weather next week, middle 80's F. Promises, Promises! LOL. I spotted an inch-long cucumber today. That's a start. I dug weeds in the front garden. It's right in front of the porch. When I moved in there was an ugly evergreen shrub there. It made me nervous because I couldn't see around it. I don't remember when I dug it out. Nothing grew in that space for a long time because there is concrete all around it; the porch, the porch steps, the sidewalk going around to the side of the house. So we put driftwood and bark there, with a rock border by the sidewalk. Then we put various Cacti there, in pots so they could be moved inside in the winter. As the bark broke down, other plants would live there; Love Lies Bleeding, Snapdragons. Then Tulips. Then porch remodeling, so we moved the driftwood, rocks & some of the Tulip bulbs, and ended up with hard, bare dirt. This year we planted two Ornamental Grasses and Lavendar in that space, put three pretty pieces of slate there and put large cedar bark over the rest of the space. Next Harry wants to put the rock border back again, and put the driftwood pieces in back against the porch foundation wall. The weeds by the sidewalk have to go first, and I did about 1/3rd of them this evening, while talking to my daughter in Seattle on the cell phone. That was quite a trick for me: Ear against shoulder while bending over digging and pulling weeds and putting them in a sack. With the rain overnight, the rest will be even easier to pull, minus the phone on the shoulder, I hope. It's not a large space, and not very many small weeds left.
Harry cleaned out the storage shed (barn) today and built a shelf on the south wall. He found a stove board made by the Wabash Screen Door Company in the early 1900's. I had to look on the computer to figure out what it was. It was put under a wood stove so the embers wouldn't fall on the floor. It is made of barn wood covered with tin with a white and (black? - rust-colored now) design painted on the tin. Ours is 24" X 36". On the wood side the name & logo of the company & "Oriental" (name of the design?) is burned into the wood. There doesn't seem to be a way to pinpoint the date our stove board was made. The company started in 1881 in Wabash, Indiana, moved, burned, moved again to Wisconsin and went out of business in the 1950's. I prefer to believe it was made in the late 1800's. Just because. They are valued at $100 to $150. Harry has no idea where we got it, or when, but he thinks twenty years ago, maybe. I like to sit and look at and touch items like this, and think about who owned them and sat around or cooked on the stove that sat on the stove board. *Sigh*
It's raining enough to get the car seats wet on the passenger side (because I used the car last and left those windows open a little bit. I didn't believe it was going to rain.) This afternoon Harry and some folks on FB heard thunder, but I didn't. There was no rain then. I sat on the front porch, reading and I smelled rain, but didn't see any. There was a slight breeze and it was so relaxing to sit there and read. Harry did a small rain dance this afternoon, so that's why it's raining now!! I guess you don't have to be Indian for your rain dance to work! LOL When Harry dashed out to close the car windows, there was a flash of lightning, but no thunder. Odd. I'm working off the laptop battery now, just in case.
Harry usually sleeps facing away from my side of the bed. When I go to bed later, I turn on the light over my side of the bed and read until I'm sleepy. Then I turn off the light, and roll onto my right side to sleep. Last night he was facing toward me, so I didn't turn on the light, and didn't lay on my back before turning onto my right side. By Jove, I think I've got it!! I slept very well, without hours of trying to find a comfortable position where my left hip and leg didn't hurt. I'm going to do it tonight also, hoping it will work that well again.
I just finished "Packing For Mars" by Mary Roach. Everything I ever wanted to know about the human side of space travel. I highly recommend it. She has a great sense of humor. Behind-the-scenes information about all the efforts to send people into space safely. I may buy the book, because my memory is so bad. I'm sure I'll enjoy it just as much on the second or third reading.
I'm grateful for the rain!
I'm grateful for Harry.
I'm grateful for my wonderful children, always so willing to help us and each other.
I'm grateful for my good health and hopefully finding a way to get a good nights' sleep.
God Bless